MEASLES       Public Website      Pay Statements

Another year-end is in sight and that means year-end deadlines for Accounts Payable and Accounts Receivable.

Accounts Payable:

To ensure all invoices for the 2024/2025 fiscal year are entered, they need to be received by the Southport accounts payable department by Thursday, April 10th, 2025. To ensure the deadline is met, you will need to receive the invoices from the department managers, etc. before this date to give you time to batch and send them.

Please send accounts payable batches as they are ready, do not keep all your year-end payables right to the end of the cut-off date.

Process for 2024/2025 invoices after the April 10th, 2025 deadline is as follows: Between April 11th and 24th, 2025 (inclusive), invoices for the 2024/2025 fiscal year are to be batched separately from the new fiscal year. 2024/2025 invoices are to be sent to accounts payable as per usual process but please ensure that you cc: your Junior Accountant or Business & Finance Analyst for possible accrual. Please make a note in the comments portion of your batch header that this batch contains prior year invoices.

With the beginning of a new fiscal year April 1st, 2025, it is necessary to modify our batch header numbering. The format to be used for the year 2025/2026 will be XXAP6XXX. For example, your first batch headers for April 2025 invoices would begin XXAP6001, XXAP6002, XXAP6003, etc.

Accounts Receivable:

Please ensure that the last of the receivables for 2024/2025 are received by the La Broquerie accounts receivable department by Thursday, April 10th, 2025.
Please send Patient Care Reports (PCR’s) for ERS and miscellaneous accounts receivable requests as they are ready, do not keep all your year-end receivables right to the end of the cut-off date.

Accounts receivable invoices for 2024/2025 (excluding donations) need to be posted by Tuesday, April 22nd, 2025.

All remaining 2024/2025 donation accounts receivable invoices to be completed by Wednesday, April 23rd, 2025.

Please share this notice as needed in your areas of responsibility and thank you for your cooperation!

Submitted by:  Danielle Dupuis, Director – Financial Reporting
For more info. contact: or

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