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Let's Talk with Southern Health-Santé Sud logo

with Jane Curtis, CEO

Construction has been a bit of a buzz word these past few months. With three major capital projects underway the term has been trending at almost every meeting I attend. This past month I had an opportunity to put on some safety gear and tour the construction site of the new Portage Regional Health Centre.

For those of you that live or work in Portage la Prairie, the construction of the new hospital is something that cannot be missed. It is one of the first things you see as you enter the community and the sounds of the busy construction site can be heard and seen from nearly every corner of the city.

As I approached the site I couldn’t help but feel amazed by the sheer scale of the operation. The number of different trades and materials on site and the speed of progress on all fronts. It is truly something to see the inner workings of such a project and to be able to visualize the future of this new state of the art health centre.

While standing on the second-floor mezzanine looking down at the expansive atrium with rays of sunshine beaming down like spotlights – I couldn’t help but imagine what that space will be in a few short years…

A beautiful and welcoming health centre that is every bit reflective of the crescent lake it oversees and the diverse setting to which it inhabits. I look forward to seeing that vision become a reality.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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