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Please be advised the following monographs have been updated on the Drug Monographs page. For IV Parenteral Drug Manual holders, please add/replace/discard as indicated.

Discard the old monograph, PRINT (using the hyperlink) & replace with the new monograph in the Adult Parenteral Drug Monograph Manual as listed below:

Medication/TopicApproved Changes
atropineDosage: added drug-induces conduction impairment
mathylene blueNEW
neostigmineDosage: added dose varies depending on depth of blockage: 0.02 to 0.07 mg/kg IV under neuromuscular blockade antagonism
oxytocin labour inductionDosage: added 4 milliunit/min according to SOGC dosing protocol
phenytoinReconstitution table for IV Bolus: adjusted diluent volume and final volume
potassium chlorideRevised availability of pre-mixed bags table
pralidoximeReconstitution tables: added
Dosage: updated per antidote list
protamineDosage: updated according to antidote list
vancomycinAdded: exception Eugia brand under mini-bag plus compatible

Submitted by: Cécile Dumesnil, Manager – Pharmacy
For more info. contact: 204-371-5952 or

February 13 | le 13 février

Raise awareness about womens’ heart health!

Diverse group wearing red

Prize Draw | Tirage au sort

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Please download to print/post in your sites

Submitted by: Human Resources

All single ingredient Timolol eye drops are on backorder and stock will deplete prior to its return.

Timolol 0.25%, 0.25% XE, 0.5%, 0.5% XE
Alternative glaucoma eye drops with beta blockers remain available:

  • Betaxolol 0.25%
  • Latanoprost 0.005% / Timolol 0.5%
  • Travoprost 0.004% / Timolol 0.5%
  • Brimonidine 0.2% / Timolol 0.5%
  • Dorzolamide 2% / Timolol 0.5%
  • Brinzalomide 1% / Timolol 0.5%

Pharmacists will need to contact prescribers to determine the most suitable alternative. Details regarding depletion of inventory will be communicated on a site-specific basis.

Thank you for your support of the ongoing efforts to manage drug supply issues.

For questions, please contact your site pharmacy or:

Rizwan Ahmed or Libby Gair

Submitted by: Rizwan Ahmed, Director of Pharmacy & Libby Gair, Drug Distribution Supervisor

A provincial backorder alert for 40 mEq Potassium Chloride in 5% Dextrose and 9% Sodium Chloride 1000mL IV bags (see below) is expected to resolve by March, 2025. SH-SS expects to have stock available to last until the end of Feb, 2025.
Potassium Chloride details

0.9%NACL 1000ML
Baxter Product Code: 2B2454X
Supplied: 15EA/CA

In an ongoing effort to mitigate supply disruption, Supply Chain Management-Shared Services (SCMSS) Value Analysis along with Shared Health Pharmacy Clinical Staff, have identified the following **ALTERNATE options:
**Clinicians are encouraged to select ALTERNATE IV solutions, based on the clinical status of the patient

SH-SS clinical staff use SKU #s below for ordering:

SKU 009790

Baxter REF#JB1674


SKU 01092

Baxter REF#JB2434


SKU 00230

Baxter REF#JB1654


SKU 00978

Baxter REF#JB1984


SKU 01089

Baxter REF#JB1264


Access the print version to post for staff as needed.

Submitted by: Tamara Burnham, Collaborative Practice Lead

Complete appropriate sections using the applicable online resources to the self-learning packages A to F. Other interested stakeholders (i.e. emergency response services, diagnostic services who work within our service delivery organization) are welcome to also complete the packages. If you have questions, contact your site program educator.

Package AAll Staff – content covered (38 minutes):

  • fire safety
  • Infection Prevention & Control Hand Hygiene
  • SCHIPP: Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention Basics
  • Abuse and Protection for Persons in Care (PPCO)
  • Suicide Awareness

Package BAll Nurses and Health Care Aides – content covered (HCA 20 minutes, Nurses 50 minutes):

  • Pressure Injury Prevention
  • Falls Prevention
  • Restraint Use in SH-SS
  • High Alert Medication
  • Medication Reconciliation, Deep Vein Thrombosis/Venous Thromboembolism and Abbreviations
  • Blood Glucose Monitor StatStrip (Nova)

Package CAll PCH Staff – content covered (15 minutes):

  • Bill of Rights
  • Choking
  • Dignity of Risk

Package D All Staff who Transport Blood – content covered (25 minutes):

  • Transport of Blood and Blood Products

Package EAll Acute and Transitional Care Facility Nurses – content covered (TCU 8 minutes, Acute in ED/OR/PAC 68 minutes, Acute outside ED/OR/PAC 38 minutes)

  • Infusion Therapy General Principles with B Braun Large Volume Infusion Pumps
  • Procedural Sedation and Analgesia on LMS

Package FAll Home Care Staff – content covered (37 minutes):

  • Personal Health Information Act (PHIA)
  • Social Media
  • Violence Prevention Program (VPP)
  • Conflict of Interest
  • 2 Client Identifiers
  • Assignment
  • Training
  • Client Not Home for a Scheduled Home Care Visit
  • Activities of Daily Living (ADL)
  • Food Safety

Staff Announcement

I am pleased to announce that Chantelle D’Andreamatteo is the new Director, Health Services – Primary Care effective Monday, January 13, 2025.

Chantelle is a Registered Dietitian and has been with Southern Health-Santé Sud for 24 years, and for the last 16 years as a Manager within the Primary Care Team with experience leading a broad spectrum of Primary Care Health Services. Some of these services include the Chronic Disease Education Team, My Health Team Chronic Disease, PCI Teen Clinic, SRSS Health Clinic, the Quick Care Clinic, the Mobile Clinic, and Community Health Services-Niverville/Open Health Niverville.

Please join me in congratulating Chantelle and wishing her much success in this new venture!

Submitted by: Dana Human, Regional Lead – Community & Continuing Care

Staff Announcement

I am pleased to announce that Loreley Fehr is the new Director, Health Services – Public Health-Healthy Living effective Monday, January 13, 2025.

Loreley holds a Master of Nursing and has been with Southern Health-Santé Sud for over 10 years, and most recently as a Manager within the Public Health-Healthy Living Team. Loreley’s past accomplishments include leading a multidisciplinary team, and as the designated immunization lead, directed the planning and support of the various flu, COVID and school immunization programs within the region.

Please join me in congratulating Loreley and wishing her much success in this new venture!

Submitted by: Dana Human, Regional Lead – Community & Continuing Care

VPP is a requirement for all staff – see below outlining which units’ are required as part of your position. VPP is required every 3 years.

Learning Management System (LMS)

  • Go to the LMS log in page (Your pop-up blocker must be disabled.)
  • Create an LMS account (if you don’t already have one). A work email address is required.
  • Log into the LMS.
  • Use the Search feature (top right) to find “Violence Prevention” and then click register on the units you are required to take.
  • After you have registered for the courses, click on the “learning plan” tab to find the course and launch it.

If you are having issues with your log in please contact IT.

If you are having issues finding the units to complete once logged in contact the Education Facilitator at your site.
After taking all applicable units on the LMS, staff are required to provide their certificate of completion from the LMS to their manager along with a Request for Leave (RFL) with the total paid time indicated in the table above to be paid for the education. If completing the education while on duty, an RFL is not required.

Category Exposure 1

  • contact with staff and/or minimal contact with patients/clients/residents/visitors
    • Units 1 & 2 (How the brain works, Cultural Safety & Trauma Informed Care)
    • Total paid time (if all units completed) = 2 hours

Category Exposure 2

  • direct hands-on care and/or regular contact with both staff and patients/clients/residents/visitors
    • Units 1, 2, 3 (SH-SS version) & 4 (How the brain works, Cultural Safety & Trauma Informed Care)
    • Total paid time (if all units completed) = 3.5 hours

Category Exposure 3

  • responsible for incident management
    • Units 1, 2, 3 (SH-SS version) & 4 & 5 (How the brain works, Cultural Safety & Trauma Informed Care)
    • Total paid time (if all units completed) = 4 hours

Please share with all applicable staff.

Please note: This change is for IFTs from facilities in rural and northern Manitoba. The process within the WRHA remains status quo.

A new webform is now available for submitting requests for Inter-Facility Transports (IFTs) through the Virtual Emergency Care and Transfer Resource Service (VECTRS).

Up until now sending health facilities have only able to request IFTs 24 hours in advance. Since November 5, 2024, when VECTRS assumed the responsibility for the triage and prioritization of IFTs, it has become apparent a change is required to improve the utilization of ambulances and stretcher services, to reduce the number of cancelled or rescheduled appointments, and to reduce the need to call (and often wait) to request IFTs.

What is Happening?
To mitigate those challenges, a webform has been created that will enable IFTs to be requested greater than 24 hours in advance of the scheduled appointment where the transport requires a ground ambulance, air ambulance or stretcher transport service. All patients must be medically stable.

The form is located on the VECTRS web page.

We anticipate this form will make the process easier for sending facilities who will now be able to request IFTs further in advance, allowing for better management of expected workloads, a reduction in the amount of calls and fewer last-minute cancelations of appointments which negatively impact patient care.

We anticipate this form will make the process easier for sending facilities who will now be able to request IFTs further in advance, allowing for better management of expected workloads, a reduction in the amount of calls and fewer last-minute cancelations of appointments which negatively impact patient care.

The process for same-day or unstable patients has not changed – call VECTRS 204-949-4000 to request the IFT.

We greatly appreciate your support in facilitating this change. We appreciate the timing directly before the holidays may not be ideal however we feel this is an important, value-added service that will help sites over the holiday season and beyond.

Thank you to Digital Shared Services for their work in helping create the webform and finalizing it this past week.

Any questions regarding the webform or any other VECTRS related questions (not patient care related questions):

Rob Grierson, Chief Medical Officer, Shared Health Emergency Response Services, Michelle Piwniuk, Executive Director, Specialty Services & Coordination, Shared Health Emergency Response Services

This 15-min. education resource supports tube feed pump equipment management procedure to improve efficiency of the process and make it easier to follow.

Employees who work with tube feed pumps managing, transferring, tracking and maintenance

Please read thoroughly through the instructions below prior to starting the virtual session:

  • a distraction-free space
  • a stable internet connection
  • 15 minutes to dedicate to completing the course
  • a personal device (computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone)
  • speakers or headphones for audio sections

STEP 1: Access the VIDEO and click on the

STEP 2: Access this LINK to record the completion of this module; you can close this browser after successfully submitting the form.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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