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Language Access Interpreter Services

*This Language Access webpage is for service providers (health care employees and other external service providers) to inform them about the availability of interpreter services and the process to request an interpreter, along with supporting resources.

Urgent, On-Demand, Over-the-Phone Interpreter Services (24/7/365)

Speak (or type) your unique Access Code:


  • Speak the name of the language needed (alternatively type the first 3 letters of the language and press ‘#‘)
  • Within 2 minutes, your call will be connected to a qualified interpreter
  • Provide your first and last name and any other information requested by the interpreter
  • At any time, press “0” to speak with an operator (operators and interpreters can dial out and add other parties to the call if needed.

TIPS for working effectively with Over-the-Phone Interpreters:

  • use a hands-free/speaker phone, if a private, confidential space is available
  • document the interpreter’s name/ID #
  • speak directly at an even pace, one or two sentences at a time
  • check in regularly to ensure the patient/client is hearing and understanding

NOTE: 911 interpreters is a third-party provider contracted by Shared Health Language Access to provide Over-the-Phone Interpreter Services.

Staff Development

For more info.

Planning, developing, implementing and evaluating staff development strategies based on best practice techniques to assist in providing a skilled and engaged workforce.

  • deliver standardized education programs
  • ensure staff, physicians, students, volunteers and affiliated health corporations/organizations have access to learning opportunities

Quality, Planning, Performance

For more info. contact

The Quality, Planning and Performance team leads legislative requirements for strategic planning, annual operational planning, annual reports/public meeting, and Accreditation Canada processes. In addition, the team is responsible for patient safety, engagement/client experience, risk, legal and insurance, research and ethics.

Our team provides education and support to teams across the region to strongly encourage a culture where quality and safety are integrated in every day work, and transparency is encouraged in order to learn and improve.

Public Health-Healthy Living

Promoting, protecting, improving and restoring the health of individuals, specified groups or the entire population. Working with individuals, families, groups and communities at all levels of prevention with a particular focus on primary prevention, health promotion and health protection.


For more info. contact or 204-822-2654

Southern Health-Santé Sud Pharmacy Services is committed to the highest quality of patient care in an atmosphere of professionalism, respect, and effective communication to ensure safe, effective and rational medication use.

We will endeavour to achieve these goals through a comprehensive evaluation of all medications for each patient, collaboration with members of the healthcare team, education and training of pharmacists and other health care professionals and provision of drug information.

Our team members include pharmacists, pharmacy technicians, pharmacy assistants, students and other professionals.
The Pharmacy team works in a variety of areas namely acute care, personal care homes, primary care and community pharmacies.

Palliative Care

The Team

Nursing – A primary palliative care nurse is assigned to each patient. The nurse may visit a patient at home, in the hospital or personal care home. The palliative care nurse becomes the patient’s resource for issues related to their illness. The palliative care nurse communicates and works with the patient’s health care providers to manage the patient’s care and symptoms.

Physicians – There are three physicians attached to the Regional Palliative Care Team. All of these physicians have contract positions with Southern Health-Santé Sud and different geographic areas of responsibility. All of our physicians have taken extra training in palliative care and are actively involved in education and regularly present at provincial and national conferences.

Social Work – The social worker can help with:

  • Practical Issues – information about specific financial resources, such as the Compassionate Care Benefit and the Terminal Illness Application for CPP.
  • Psychological Support – discussions to help with the multitude of decisions related to end of life care and the personal and familial challenges related to the changes which occur at end of life.
  • Exploration of the emotional impact of illness and the effect it has on coping and strategies to manage fear, anxiety, anger and sadness while caregiving.
  • Social Support – how to communicate with your partner, children, family, friends or colleagues about illness and end of life.
  • Bereavement – support for spouses, children and families as they journey through the grief process.
  • Referral – help to find peer and group supports, education and information.

Hours of Operation – Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
For after hours Palliative Care Nurse telephone consultation: Monday – Thursday, 4:30 pm – 8:30 am; Weekends, starting Friday at 4:30 pm to Monday 8:30 am

Contact Information

Palliative Care Program
8 – 380 Stone Bridge Cross, Steinbach MB R5G 2R1
204-346-7034 | 204-388-2049

Manager, Health Services – Palliative Care 204-905-3302
Palliative Care Coordinator 204-392-3115

Southwest Area

Palliative Care Nurse – Boundary Trails Health Centre 204-905-3908

  • Winkler – 204-823-0550
  • Morden – 204-332-0235
  • Altona – 204-361-6480
  • Social Worker – 204-361-6464

North Area

Palliative Care Nurse – Portage District General Hospital 204-905-9963

  • Carman – 204-823-2162
  • Portage – 204-408-8985
  • Morris – 204-870-7476
  • Social Worker – 204-371-0554

East Area

Palliative Care Nurse – Bethesda Regional Health Centre 204-905-9961

  • Steinbach – 204-371-7398
  • Ste. Anne – 204-905-4234
  • St. Pierre – 204-371-1497
  • Social Worker – 204-392-6011

How to Refer

Anyone, including a patient, may refer to the Palliative Care Program. This can be done by completing the referral form or by calling the central intake number at 204-346-7034.

  • Referrals are triaged Monday – Friday 8:30 am -4:30 pm (excluding Statutory Holidays)
  • If a referral is urgent, mark as urgent and call the Palliative Coordinator.
  • If you are wanting a consult with Palliative Care, check off the “Consult” box on the referral. Consults may be helpful when it is unclear that Palliative Care registration is appropriate, or when one-time input from a Palliative Care team member or members may be helpful.

Resources when referring

SPICT – Helps clinicians identify people with one or more general indicators of poor or deteriorating health and clinical signs of life-limiting conditions for assessment and care planning.

PPS – The Victoria Hospice Palliative Performance Scale (PPSv2) Version 2 is a validated clinical tool which measures functional performance.


Home Care – is an expert resource to help ensure that supports are provided when a patient’s goals of care are to stay at home.

Health Care Aide and Nursing supports are available. Home care coordinators will assess the needs and develop a personalized care plan to assist and support in the daily living activities. If at any time the needs change, the case coordinator will reassess and adjust the care plan accordingly.

Health Care Aides – Provide support with Activities of Daily Living based on an assessment done by the Case Coordinator.

Nursing – Provide scheduled nursing tasks and assessments, in collaboration with the Palliative Care Nurse to ensure quality and comfort for patients.

Equipment & Supplies – Provided in the home to help manage care as End of Life approaches. Equipment such as a hospital bed and commode can be ordered for use in the home. Incontinence supplies, dressings, and other supplies can also be provided when appropriate.

Volunteers – A palliative care team member can arrange a referral for volunteer services.

Caregiver Support

Nutrition & Food Services

Nutrition & Food Services

  • all nutrition and food service staff are trained and certified in Safe Food Handling
  • each site is regularly inspected by a Public Health Inspector
  • we review best practice guidelines, create policies/procedures and ensure we follow:
    • Manitoba Health Standards
    • Food Safety Regulations
    • Infection, Prevention & Control Guidelines
    • Workplace Health & Safety Standards
    • Clinical Practice Guidelines/Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition
    • Eating Well – Canada’s Food Guide
    • Ellyn Satter’s Hierarchy of Food Needs

We work together with registered dietitians to create nutritious and appetizing menus while operating safe and cost-effective food services.

  • approximately 5,400 meals are served per day across Southern Health-Santé Sud
    • meals and snacks are prepared for clients, residents, staff and visitors including approved outpatient programs, meals on wheels, adult day programs, cafeteria, catering and vending services
  • 25 therapeutic diets and 4 modified textures and in addition, multiple combinations of diets/textures

Catering Request Form *PDF FILLABLE FORMS: due to browsers defaults, you may experience issues viewing or filling out a fillable pdf form. Please download the file on your device prior to using.

Mental Health & Addictions

Director, Health Services – Mental Health & Addictions or 204-823-0969


Services are delivered by Southern Health-Santé Sud and Eden Health Care Services

Mental Health & Addictions Access

Toll Free 1-888-310-4593
To contact the Community Addictions Program please refer to Addictions Services.

Crisis Services

Toll Free 1-888-617-7715

Adult Counselling Services

Assessment and counselling for acute mental health related problems

Child & Adolescent

Offers assessment and treatment for school-age children with a mental health related problem which cannot be addressed elsewhere.

Intensive Case Management

Community-based and voluntary program offering one to one comprehensive support to individuals living with a serious mental illness.

  • monitoring and implementation of effective and appropriate supports
  • promotes and aims to achieve relative independence
  • improved quality of life with focus on community integration
  • supports and case management focused on a person-centred, strength-based approach
  • offers recovery oriented and community-based rehabilitation

Seniors Consultation Team

Provides non-emergent assessment, consultation and time limited service to the senior population.

  • work collaboratively with a range of care providers
  • supports healthy aging and independence
  • services provided in home and/or in health care facilities

Shared Care

Offers one-time consultation as well as short-term counselling intervention in primary care setting

  • offers education
  • service coordination and liaison to further enhance continuity of care
  • based on informed consent, voluntary participation and assumption of client capacity
  • promoting principles of hope, recovery, empowerment, self-determination and responsibility

Promotion, Housing and Supports

Fostered through the process of enhancing individual and community capacity to take personal control

  • to improve mental health
  • to promote principles of hope, recovery, empowerment, self-determination and responsibility
  • housing and other supports may be provided to achieve optimal life quality within the community

Rapid Access to Addictions Medicine (RAAM)

Walk-in clinic for people seeking help for substance use disorders (without appointment / referral)

  • provides time-limited addiction services
  • assessment, treatment options
  • counselling and medication
  • referrals to other community services

Mobile Withdrawal Management Services (MWMS)

MWMS is a mobile withdrawal management and stabilization service that currently supports people 18 years and older, living within the Southern Health-Santé Sud region, who want to detox from a substance they are using within their own community (in their home, supportive housing, community hospital, etc.). Learn more by accessing the Fact Sheet for Providers.

Referrals can be made by a Physician, Nurse Practitioner or RAAM Clinic by using the Referral Form.

Individuals interested in MWMS services must meet the following requirements:

  • be medically and psychiatrically stable;
  • have no anticipated severe or complicated medical and/or withdrawal complications. This includes those who are felt to be an imminent risk of seizures and who may require a medically supported detox as determined by the assessing physician;
  • have no psychiatric symptoms which are unable to be safely managed in a community setting (i.e. active psychosis);

Those who have not successfully completed detoxification in the community or ambulatory setting will be reviewed on a case by case basis.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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