This video is applicable to all nursing staff that will be using the Kangaroo OMNI Enteral feeding Pump. It is 37 minutes long and addresses how to program and load the feeding pump.
Capacity Management Protocol
Access the self-learning package.
High Alert Medication for Acute Care
Access the self-learning module.
Safe Feeding/Meal Assistant Training
Prior to starting the course, ensure you have the following: a distraction-free space
Orientation | Nursing
A SH-SS Nursing Orientation Checklist has been developed and is ready for use, to help guide newly hired nurses on their units during their orientation. The Nursing Orientation Checklist is very generalized and can be used for staff who work in either Acute or LTC. Please note that if a policy or procedure is missing from this checklist, it may be covered in Regional Orientation,
Facility Orientation, or Regional Clinical Orientation (see attached for a summary of what is included in each). A couple of steps for managers before using the checklist:
- Please add any site and unit specific information that is not listed (e.g.: physiologic monitors in ED/SCU settings, Fetal health monitors in obstetrical settings, etc.). If you have an existing checklist, the information can be transferred to this new form. It can be as general or specific as needed to give nurses a comprehensive orientation to their new unit and work area.
- At the bottom of the checklist, any position specific courses can be added that have not been included on the welcome letter that the nurse may require
- If there is anything that does not apply to your work site, please “black out” the row or type “N/A”. For example: acute care site might want to black out the LTC section as below. If there is something specific that needs to be highlighted about a specific topic, please add that into the comments:
Employee Initial | Topic | Date | Comments | N/A |
Location of forms: – Standard orders, care maps, BPMH, consents, waivers, frequent monitoring record, IPNs, chart forms, triage package etc. | ||||
Kardex | Note there are 4 Kardex’s for this unit | |||
Care Plans (acute) | ||||
Integrated Care Plan (LTC) |
To enhance the checklist, there are links built in for staff to access. Please update these as needed.
New Hire packages for new nursing staff should include a folder with these required documents:
- Welcome Letter – there are spaces on the Welcome Letter for scheduled courses. Please schedule the employee for the following courses and write the dates in the space provided on the welcome letter:
- SCHIPP – in person
- VPP – either over Teams (can register on the HPS) or on the LMS
- Regional Clinical Orientation
- Infographic for Regional Orientation
- Infographic for Facility Orientation
- Facility Orientation Hand in checklist
- Regional Orientation Hand in package
- Nursing Orientation Checklist
Explain that the checklists need to be completed and handed in.
This Nursing Orientation Checklist should be completed on shift with a buddy nurse as part of their orientation and submitted to the manager within 14 days of hire. Managers, please review any areas the employee has not completed or needs further assistance with and reach out to the appropriate designate to assist the nurse with completion. Please sign the designated area of the form and the form can then be added to the Employee File.
Medically Supervised Withdraw Bed Training PDGH
In this presentation you will find information regarding medical withdrawal management with a specific focus on patients who will be utilizing a new medical withdrawal bed at the Portage District General Hospital, however, any nurse who works with patients who have addictions or substance use disorders will find this information useful. The following topics are reviewed in this presentation:
- Function of the RAAM Clinic
- Types of withdrawal including: stimulants, opioids, and alcohol
- Important nursing assessments and assessment tools such as the Clinical Opioid Withdraw Scale (COWS) and Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol (CIWA) which is not discussed in as much depth as the COWS
- Commonly used medications for each type of withdraw, such as suboxone and benzodiazepines
- and Important nursing considerations
Link to Training: Medically Supervised Withdraw Bed Training PDGH
Suicide Prevention in Acute Care
Access the 20 min self-learning module – you must complete this module in its entirety; there is no possibility of recovering partially completed modules – you must submit before exiting.
Removal of a Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter (PICC)
This module provides a standardized, evidence-informed process for the safe removal of a PICC
6 Rights of Medication Administration
For all clinical staff who are responsible for administration of medication. How to avoid medication errors… the 6 rights and link to associated policy.
Intraosseous Insertion and Maintenance
Required every 2 years; competency includes self-learning package and quiz (80% required). ACLS and/or neonatal resuscitation program; if you perform intraosseous insertions using training equipment while being monitored by a trainer following the skill checklist (must be completed, signed and stored in personnel file and entered in QHR).
You are responsible to seek out additional educational opportunities, refer to Elsevier Clinical Skills to maintain competency. You should only perform a skill if and when you feel knowledgeable, safe and capable.
Intraosseous Insertion and Maintenance Self-learning-Competency Package