How long have you worked in health care? Tell us a bit about your career path and how you came to be where you are today.
I have been in health care for 27 years, starting as an Health Care Aide (HCA), then to an Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN), and onto an Registered Psychiatric Nurse (RPN). I have worked in long term care, correctional nursing, palliative care and mental health & addictions. Leadership has always interested me. I trialed a term as Manager of the Seniors Mental Health program which led me to where I am today.
Tell us about your leadership style or an example of leading your team through adversity.
The leadership style I strive to hold is one of collaboration and a true belief in teams. As I have grown in my leadership career I have seen the best results come from working alongside others, and not always steering the ship independently. At times you are required to steer on your own, but I have learned how to do this from colleagues, patients, residents, clients and families from past and present.
Do you have any interests or hobbies you might like to share? What do you do for fun?
I took up golfing a few years ago. Turns out it is something I really enjoy! My husband is my favorite golf partner – he has a great amount of patience as I learn to play the sport. I am also a massive animal lover and currently have two four legged kids, our cat Silvie, and the newest addition, our dog Rudy.
This summer we are venturing into the world of camping, so I am very much looking forward to this, as I enjoyed camping as a child. There is nothing better than being outside in the summer in Manitoba and I cannot wait for some time in the sun!
Where did you grow up? And, what are some of your favorite things about Manitoba?
I am born and raised in Portage la Prairie, MB. Some of my favorite things about Manitoba include the diverse landscape, our beautiful seasons and most importantly the people!
What is the best advice that was ever given to you as a leader/or health care professional?
Never stop learning, listening and always be kind. This is what I live by and hold myself to each and every day.
If you could impart one piece of advice to an aspiring leader what would it be?
Respect others and give your full attention in all interactions.
Do you have a memorable moment that you would like to share about your health care journey?
There are so many memorable moments I could write a novel, that would most likely turn into a series. I have had the privilege of working with and caring for so many people throughout my career and each person has taught me something along my journey. I am thankful to those during my many times within my student placements within HCA and nursing training that took the time to be my preceptors, as these times are some of my most memorable moments.
The creation of the Rapid Access to Addiction Medicine (RAAM) Clinic in Portage la Prairie is also one of the experiences that I hold very close to my heart. This was something that I had never dreamt I would have the honor of being a part of. Everything I learned through that experience will be an important part of my journey moving forward.
How can staff reach you if they have questions or concerns?
Email is best, and if a phone call is preferred, provide me with your phone number so we can have a chat.