Coming soon…
Coming soon…
Staff and physicians can refer researchers to our public website for information and to obtain an application. Research applications submitted to: .
Should you have any questions, contact the Decision Support Analyst.
Risk management in Southern Health-Santé Sud (SH-SS) is a multi-faceted approach to proactively identify risks and establish measures to prevent the risk before it happens or mitigate the likelihood and impact. There are multiple pieces to the puzzle.
In compliance with the Provincial Risk Management Policy (HCS.200.4 – revised and approved in 2022), Southern Health-Santé Sud compiles a regional risk report annually based on the Provincial Risk Management Framework. The annual risk report is approved by the Board of Directors, submitted to Shared Health and Manitoba Health.
The aim of the HIROC Risk Assessment Checklist Program is to improve patient safety by assisting our organization in identifying and prioritizing areas of improvement. It is a self-assessment tool for compliance with a number of actionable evidence-based mitigation strategies to effectively address top risks leading to medical malpractice claims. Each year, our Senior Leadership Team chooses regional programs to participate in the Risk Assessment Checklist following a three-year cycle. Each year the programs complete or updates a set of risk modules, which are then submitted to HIROC for review and feedback. In the current cycle (2022-2025) the region chose two programs: Acute Care and Long Term Care modules.
Quality improvement plans are a formal set of goals and actions that teams make to improve specific outcomes, practices, processes, and/or quality issues. It is not an all-encompassing list of everything teams are working on towards priorities. They align with the strategic priorities of our 2023-2028 Strategic Plan.
Quality Improvement Plan Template
Quality Improvement Plan Guide
Quality Improvement Plan Education
Lean Six Sigma is a process improvement methodology that can be used to improve processes and quality across the spectrum of services we provide to deliver health care. Lean Six Sigma training is available on an annual basis to staff who are interested in learning introductory tools and concepts to entry level facilitation skills.
Black Belts (BB) primary role is to work with leadership to identify and lead system wide improvement areas; responsible for training other belt levels; completed projects below:
Green Belts (GB) lead and provide mentorship for team based improvement projects and have increased technical knowledge regarding the Lean Six Sigma process; completed projects below:
Are We There Yet
Bits $ Buys
The Chronically Positives
Connecting the Docs
Count Accura
Lean Mean Ordering Machine
Movers and Shakers
Laundry Hang-ups (Notre Dame)
Operation NOT
Respite Restructurers
Rub a Dub Dub
S.O.S (Surviving Operational Staffing)
Secret Agents
Southern Comfort
The A Team
Waste Not Want Not
We Communicate Best
Yellow Belts (YB) complete small projects within their work areas and/or spread existing successful projects completed projects below:
BEH(ter) Action Lists
Law and Ordering
Lean Mean Problem Solving Machine
Moving on Down
Super Supports
Improving Workflow at Access
Lean to 96
Chain Reaction
Total Recall
Who’s Who in the Zoo? (Identity Management)
Rehab Rockets
Care Plan Standardization
Deliver for Deliveries
Accounts Payable Lean
Vaccine Inventory Management
Smooth Movers
Physician Onboarding
5S is defined as a methodology that results in a workplace that is clean, uncluttered, safe, and well organized to help reduce waste and optimize productivity. It’s designed to help build a quality work environment, both physically and mentally; completed projects below:
Belt Projects —
Quality, Planning & Performance
Ethics is the application of a rational process for determining the most morally desirable course of action when making a decision.
Remember, ethics is not:
• a process of giving “correct” answers
• about being right or wrong or
• about judging and blaming.
Common ethical issues may include situations when:
• client/family goals conflict with the health care team goals
• staff member goals conflict with the provider’s goals
• co-worker’s actions conflict with your beliefs
• there are competing demands for human, financial and/or physical resources
Southern Health-Santé Sud has an Ethics Committee with the purpose of enhancing the integration of ethics into processes, policies and procedures.
Policies, Forms & Resources
Ethical Decision Making
Framework & Worksheet for Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Decision Making Resource Guide
Ottawa Personal Decision Guide Form
Ottawa Personal Decision Guide for Two
Also see Quality, Planning & Performance policies & forms
Learning Opportunities
Tracking Ethical Dilemmas (Self-learning)