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Regulated Health Professions Act

The Regulated Health Professions Act (RHPA) was proclaimed by the Manitoba government January 1, 2014 and will bring all regulated health professionals under one umbrella act.

Each health profession comes under the RHPA separately and professional self-governance continues.

The RHPA provides consistent rules and processes for governance, registration, complaints and discipline, regulation and by-law making authority.

A major change with the RHPA is the institution of 21 Reserved Acts which are health care services or procedures that can only be performed by regulated health care professionals as defined by provincial and federal legislation, their regulatory college or association, and practice setting.

The mandate of the RHPA is to protect public interest by limiting Reserved Acts to those qualified and competent to do them due to the risk of harm if performed incompetently.

Each profession regulates the performance of Reserved Acts and when professionals require written orders, additional education and clinical decision tools.

Not all professions perform all Reserved Acts and there is often overlapping scopes of practice, therefore collaborative practice is encouraged.

Regulated health professions that have transitioned to governance under the RHPA:

2014 – Audiologists
2014 – Speech Language Pathologists
2017 – Registered Nurses
2018 – Paramedics
2018 – Physicians and Surgeons
2022 – Registered Psychiatric Nurses
All other regulated health professions continue to be governed by existing professional legislation until transition under the RHPA occurs.


Regulated Health Professions Act Resources

July 2023 – General
Manitoba Government – Regulated Health Professions Act
Regulations (Consolidated) (

SH-SS Representatives – Regulated Health Professions

Sept / 2023
Tamara Burnham, Registered Nurse
Lorraine Cassan, Registered Nurse
Vacant, Nurse Practitioner
Vacant, Registered Nurse-Authorized Prescriber
Dana Human, Registered Psychiatric Nurse
Vacant, Licensed Practical Nurse
Vacant, Physician
Dr. Timo Gosselin, Physician
Heidi Wilson, Physician Assistant
Vacant, Clinical Assistant
Diane Reimer, Physical Therapist
Nancy Klassen, Occupational Therapist
Heather Fiebelkorn, Audiologist
Loralee Peters, Speech Language Pathologist
Rizwan Ahmed, Pharmacist & Pharmacy Technician
Hilary Everton, Midwife
Craig Doell, Respiratory Therapist
Irene Maendel, Social Worker
Janelle Botterill, Dietitian
Chantelle D’Andreamatteo, Dietitian
Evelyn Green, Paramedic
Dane Johnson, Medical Laboratory Technologist

Reserved Acts Requiring Additional Education for Regulated Health Professions in SH-SS

QHR – RHPA Reserved Acts Tracking Tool

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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