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Folklore for the Season | Folklore de saison

French language services logo beside a photo of Louis Riel
Logo National Francophone Immigration Week
Coup de coeur

Use these free apps – right at your fingertips! | Utilisez ces applis gratuites – disponibles du bout des doigts!

Mauril app logo
Duolingo app logo

Rosetta Stone (see details)

Are there upcoming events ‘en français’ in your community? We would love to hear from you!

Y a-t-il un événement en français à venir dans votre communauté? Nous aimerions avoir de vos nouvelles!

Submitted by: FLS Unit / Unité SLF
For more info. contact: or / ou 204-424-6042

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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