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    This weekend, Southern Health-Santé Sud’s employees were encouraged to wear green in support of organ donor awareness and registration – from the nursing staff at Lorne Memorial Hospital in Swan Lake, to the environmental services team at Hôpital Ste-Anne Hospital and the ultrasound team at Bethesda Regional Health Centre in Steinbach, we worked together to raise awareness in the region.

    Join the movement by registering your intent to donate at – Manitoba’s online organ and tissue registry!

    Why should you donate? Organ and tissue donation saves lives. An organ transplant is often the only treatment for people with organs that are damaged through injury or disease and who would otherwise die. Skin, bone, eye, and heart valve donations also dramatically change and improve the quality of life for people of all ages. Outcomes continue to improve each year so more and more transplant patients are living longer and healthier lives. More information can be found on

    Group of staff wearing green shirts in support of organ donor awareness and registration

    Group of staff wearing green shirts in support of organ donor awareness and registration
    Group of staff wearing green shirts in support of organ donor awareness and registration

    To register, check or update your consent to donate organs and tissue you will need:

    • Your health card number (9 digit PHIN)
    • Your name as it appears on your health card
    • Your date of birth

    Register. Tell your family. Be inspired.

    Submitted by: Human Resources

    Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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