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Discover Health Careers Manitoba Program

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Offering summer employment to post-secondary students; hands-on experience. A great opportunity for students to learn more about us and work alongside health care providers enhancing their knowledge and skills.

Are you or your team interested in employing a student for the summer?

Take a moment to review the policy.

Complete a form for each position being requested and submit via by the second Friday in March.

Health Care Retention and Recruitment Office has capped the number of weeks a student may work within this program to 10 weeks.

Sample placements include (but are not limited to):

  • pharmacy student working as a pharmacy technician
  • nursing student shadowing postpartum home visits and school-based immunization clinics, increasing understanding and knowledge about public health nursing and nursing in the community
  • medical student working in a role of direct care program worker
  • respiratory therapy student shadowing and working int he RT dept. learning to perform daily clinical support tasks
  • human resources student helping with administration and recruitment initiatives

If you know a student currently enrolled in post-secondary education studies that would be interested in working with us, please share the link to details on how to apply.

Application for Nursing and Allied Health Professionals

Application for Medical Students

Also see Discover Health Careers Manitoba Inter-professional Project

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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