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Insurer Information / How to Make a Claim

Workplace Safety & Health or contact your local payroll/benefits personnel

EI Sickness Benefits

An employee can file a claim if:

  • you are under the care of a licensed physician
  • you are unable to attend work as a result of illness or injury; and

When requiring time off of work, make sure your manager/supervisor is informed of your need for an unpaid absence. Once income protection has been exhausted, the Payroll department will issue a Record of Employment (ROE) to Service Canada.

  • complete a Request for Leave (RFL) with your manager/supervisor to be submitted to Payroll

Employment Insurance (EI) Sickness Benefits are administered by Service Canada

  • visit Service Canada to determine eligibility for EI Sickness Benefits; complete your online application

EI claim or benefit inquiries – contact Service Canada at 1-800-206-7218 or login to you My Service Canada account to view status of claim

NOTE: it is advised that a claim always be made with Health Care Employee Benefits (HEB), Canada Life (CL) or Civil Service Superannuation Board (CSSB) if a medical leave of absence ends up being longer than expected.

While absent from work it is important to:

Canada Life

An employee can file a claim if they are unable to work as a result of an illness or injury and are under the care of a licensed physician.

An employee can file a claim if:

  • you are unable to attend work as a result of illness or injury; and
  • you are under the care of a licensed physician

To apply:

  • speak to your Resource Coordinator to obtain a Canada Life Income Benefits claim package
  • complete the Disability Benefits Employee Statement form and make a copy for your records prior to submitting to CL
  • keep a copy and send both forms to Great West Life using one of the options below:
    • it is your responsibility to submit the complete Employee Statement and Physician Form to Canada Life for review. Submit via mail, email or fax
  • you are on sick leave +3 weeks, complete your application online at Service Canada for EI sickness benefits which should also include a copy of the CL Physician Form. See EI Sickness Benefits tab for more details.
  • once you begin receiving EI sickness benefits, you should send a copy of the EI sickness benefits statement to CL in order to receive your Supplemental Unemployment Benefit (SUB) ‘top-up’
  • CL will ask you to provide additional medical information before EI sick benefits end to determine eligibility for continuation of benefits. Reference Canada Life Disability manual for more info.

It is advised that a claim always be made with Canada Life (CL) even if Workers Compensation (WCB) or Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) as not all benefits may be covered under one insurer (health, dental, pension accruals, etc.)

Your responsibilities:

Weekly sick leave benefits are paid:

  • benefits are 66 2/3 of your average income over the last 26 pay periods
  • meet the requirements under the program
  • away from work and can’t do regular job due to illness or injury
  • under the care of a licensed Doctor or Nurse Practitioner (NP)
  • Canada Life has approved the claim

Canada Life Sick Leave Benefits – paid first 3 weeks

Employment Insurance Sickness Benefits & CL Sick Leave Benefits (benefits paid by EI Sickness benefits will be ‘topped-up’ by CL Sick Leave Benefits (SUB) – paid only if EI Sickness Benefits are received. DO NOT REPORT THE SUB TOP-UP AS PART OF YOUR INCOME TO EI – paid up to the next 15 weeks

Canada Life Sick Leave Benefits – up to the next 49 weeks


An employee can file a claim for Healthcare Employees’ Benefits (HEB) & Rehabilitation (D&R) Long Term Disability (LTD) benefits if:

  • you are unable to attend work as a result of your disability for at least a period of 119 days (approx 17 weeks) as supported by a medical doctor
  • you are receiving ongoing care of a licensed physician and considered Totally Disabled by the HEB Manitoba D&R Plan

To apply:

  • complete the HEB Employee’s Statement (as soon as possible) and submit the original documentation in person or by mail directly to HEB address provided in your package. KEEP A COPY for your own records in case of accidental loss or claim delays. If you have any difficulties in completing the forms or have not received your package, contact HEB Manitoba: 204-942-6591 ext 300 or 1-888-842-4233 ext 300
  • have your physician complete the HEB Physician’s Statement (as soon as possible) and ensure the original document has been submitted directly to HEB either in person or by mail to the address provided in your package. Ensure you follow-up with your physician to ensure the documentation is completed in a timely manner to avoid delays in application processing.

While receiving Income Replacement and/or Healthcare Benefits through an alternate insurer (WCB, MPI, CPP):

As required by the D&R plan, all other possible sources of disability benefit must be applied for by the employee, including WCB, MPI, CPP or any other government or employer sponsored benefits (excluding private insurance).

  • if you are in receipt of benefits through an alternate insurer, it is still highly recommended to submit an application with HEB as they may be able to assist you with covering your benefit premiums as long as you continue to meet the requirements for eligibility under their plan

NOTE: it is advised that a claim always be made with HEB even if WCB or MPI as not all benefits may be covered under one insurer (health, dental, pension accurals, etc.)

Your responsibilities:


An employee can file a claim with Manitoba Public Insurance (MPI) bodily injury income benefits if:

  • you are unable to perform all or most of your duties at work as a result of a motor vehicle related illness or injury and are under the care of a licensed physician

To apply:

  • call MPI 1-800-665-2410 or 204-985-7000 or visit the website.
  • once a claim has been accepted, MPI income replacement begins on the 8th day after the accident when injuries continue to prevent you from working and will continue until medical clearance to return to work to full duties:
    • you are eligible to use your Income Protection for the first 7 days after a motor vehicle accident
  • income replacement is based on the income you were earning before the accident; your past income tax returns and employment slips are the best way to establish your income at the time of the accident

NOTE: it is advised that a claim always be made with HEB, Canada Life or Civil Service Superannuation Board as not all benefits may be covered under one insurer (health, dental, pension accruals, etc.).

Your responsibilities:


An employee can file a claim with Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB) benefits if they are unable to work as a result of a workplace related illness or injury and are under the care of a licensed physician.

Reporting process:

  • report the injury as soon as possible to your manager/supervisor prior to the end of your shift and always within 24 hours (delays in reporting may impact your claim acceptance)
    • complete the Safety Event Report to identify full and accurate details of the incident for WCB reporting
    • regardless of WCB involvement, all workplace incidents/injuries must be reported immediately
  • if you miss time from work or see a healthcare provider as a result of a work-related injury, you must report the injury to the WCB: by phone 1-855-954-4321, by fax 1-877-872-3804 or 204-9454-4999; or online at this website
  • time loss from work must be supported by medical documentation from the appropriate healthcare practitioner (physician, nurse practitioner, chiropractor, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, optometrist, dentist, podiatrist, psychiatrist, psychologist)
    • it is recommended when time loss or inability to perform full duties is anticipated, medical consultation should occur same day as the injury and always within 24 hours (delays in seeking medical attention may impact claim acceptance)
    • you must obtain clear written recommendations from your healthcare practitioner that either supports time loss or outlines your abilities including limitations to safely return to the workplace
    • active participation in your healthcare provider(s) recommendations is imperative – failure to do so may result in termination of benefits
  • it is advised that a claim always be made with HEB, CL, CCSB as not all benefits may be covered under one insurer (health, dental, pension accruals, etc)

Your responsibilities:

    Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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