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Safe Client Handling and Injury Prevention (SCHIPP)

Musculoskeletal Injury is the number one cause of injury among health care workers according to the Workers Compensation Board (WCB) statistics. Causing thousands of days lost from work and WCB claims in the millions of dollars, the Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention (MSIP) programs are established in all worksites – containing tools and direction for recognizing early signs and symptoms of MSIs, outlining reporting procedures and establishing participatory processes to implement control measures and evaluate their effectiveness.

Early signs and symptoms of MSIs should be reported promptly so that changes might be made in the workplace.

The Safe Client Handling and Injury Prevention Program (SCHIPP) assists in promoting a culture of safety for employees and clients. Note: SCHIPP is based on content from Safe Moves and is under Copyright as follows:

All rights reserved world-wide under International and Pan-American copyright agreements. No part of this document can be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means for commercial purposes without the prior written permission of Safe Moves Injury Prevention Solutions Inc.

This product is licensed for unlimited editing and usage within the facility which purchased this product only. Any redistribution in any form of this product in its edited or non-edited version outside the facility which originally purchased it is a violation of the terms of use.

For further information on best practices for the prevention of MSI please utilize the Safe Client Handling Injury Prevention training modules and the video clips.

The sampling of the video clips serve to review previous formal training. They are not to replace formal training whereby a return demonstration is required.

Feedback or 204-822-2651

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Regional Manager – Logistics & Supply Chain Management by or 204-362-1115
Portage Distribution Centre by or 204-239-2336
Boundary Trails Distribution Centre by or 204-331-8980
Steinbach Distribution Centre by or 204-346-0320 ext 3501

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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