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Staff Announcement

I am pleased to announce that Spencer Cleaver has accepted the position of Lead – Physical Plant Services for the new Portage Regional Health Centre (PRHC).

Spencer has worked at the Portage District Health Centre for the last 12 years as a 4th Class Power Engineer. He also has experience as a Chief Power Engineer with NutriPea in Portage la Prairie for the last 3 years.

Spencer’s dedication, knowledge and experience in Physical Plant Services will be a definite asset to him in this new role.

Spencer will assume this new position effective February 3, 2025. He will be located in at the Portage District Health Centre until he transitions into the new PRHC.

His main focus will be getting orientated with the new PRHC including operational readiness preparation, preventative maintenance planning, equipment tagging, etc., also hiring and onboarding new staff that will be required. Another primary function will be planning for the transition into the new facility and what that will look like.

Please join me in welcoming Spencer to his new role and to the Physical Plant Services Team!

Submitted by: Isaac Klassen, Manager – Physical Plant Services

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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