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ABPI/TBPI Annual Education

Workshop is a review of the theory and skill involved with ABPI/TBPI testing. Demonstration of an ABPI/TBPI will be completed followed by practice opportunities with experienced clinicians.
Upon completion participants will have a comprehensive understanding of a lower leg assessment and the theory supporting ABPI/TBPI testing. When performing ABPI/TBPIs testing, participants will implement the procedural steps in their practice, as outlined in the SH-SS ABPI/TBPI Guideline, documenting findings on the associated forms. During the workshop, participants will network with other clinicians providing opportunities for future support.

Who Should Attend?

This education is mandatory for all nurses who currently are completing ABPI/TBPIs in Southern Health and nurses who are requested to attend as per their manager.

Held in the Multipurpose Room

Pre-requisite:  completion of the ABPI/TBPI education module

Note to participants

  • No registration fee for this session.
  • Lunch and coffee/water will be provided. If you wish to have a snack, please bring one with you.
  • Registration is limited to those who are currently doing ABPI/TBPIs in the region or are invited to attend.
  • Registration closes (2) weeks prior to the session.

Important Course Postponement Information

Please include your personal home/cell # and personal email when registering for education sessions so that you may be reached in the rare instance of last-minute course cancellation/postponements.


Sep 25 2024


8:30 AM - 4:00 PM


Boundary Trails Health Centre
Hwy 3 & 14, Winkler MB


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