A Systematic Approach to Best Possible Medication History
Presenter Information
Katie Lewis graduated from the Faculty of Pharmacy at the University of Manitoba in 2007. She went on to complete a pharmacy practice residency program with the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority (WRHA). Initially, she worked as a pharmacist with the Family Medicine program at Concordia Hospital. After several years she joined the emergency department at Concordia Hospital where she implemented the first clinical pharmacy services as a part of the collaborative care team. After six years, she took a new opportunity with Victoria Hospital’s urgent care department where she established her most recent clinical practice and obtained her extended practice license. In 2020, she became the Clinical Resource Pharmacist for Education including Medication Reconciliation and Emergency Medicine with the WRHA. For the following year she learned a lot in this new role until pausing her career for her latest adventure – the arrival of her first child. Her professional interests include infectious diseases, nephrology and toxicology.
Who should attend: open to all SH-SS staff and students
Held virtually via TEAMS
- What is a best possible medication history (BPMH) vs medication reconciliation? And why are they important?
- What systematic steps are involved to efficiently obtain the “best” BPMH?
- What are the follow-up steps after completing a BPMH?
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