Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) | Blended-Learning
Held by Listrom Training & Consulting – a nationally recognized certification course developed by the Mental Health Commission of Canada. The course aims to develop the skills of participants in providing help to a person experiencing a mental health and/or substance use problem or crisis. Just like physical first aid is provided until medical treatment can be obtained, MHFA is given until appropriate support is found or until the crisis is resolved.
Who should attend: open to all staff
January 21 – register and details
January 28 – register and details
February 6 – register and details
February 13 – register and details
March 5 – register and details
March 20 – register and details
Notes to Participants
- Self-Directed LearningTwo weeks prior to the course start date, participants will receive log-in details for the Learning Management System. In the two weeks leading up to the facilitator led virtual classrooms, participants must complete:
- Module One – self directed learning (approx. 2hrs)
- Self directed reading of the participant reference guide ~150 pages (approx.. 3-6hrs)
Facilitator Led Virtual ZOOM Classrooms:
- Module Two – facilitator led session (3.5hrs)
- Module Three – facilitator led session (3.5hrs)
Technology considerations: Each participant is required to have a device with audio and video capabilities for the ZOOM virtual classroom sessions.
Virtual via Zoom