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Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) | Renewal Course

This renewal course enables health care professionals to develop the knowledge and skills necessary to better recognize and treat critically ill infants and children. The course materials are scenario-based, and a team approach is used to teach emergency management of pediatric patients approaching or already in respiratory or cardiac arrest, from the early minutes through patient stabilization and/or the transport phases of a pediatric emergency, in or out of the hospital.

Successful participants will be acknowledged as PALS Providers by the Heart & Stroke Foundation of Manitoba.

Course Content:

  • recognition and treatment of infants and children at risk for cardiopulmonary arrest
  • systematic approach to pediatric assessment
  • effective respiratory management
  • validation of skills for one-person and two-person CPR and AED skills for infants and children
  • defibrillation and synchronized cardioversion
  • intraosseous access and fluid bolus administration
  • effective resuscitation team dynamics

Who should attend: designed for health care professionals who initiate and direct advanced life support in pediatric emergencies including emergency physicians, family physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, paramedics and other health care professionals.

Held in the Multipurpose Room

  • Renewal (1-day) PALS courses are intended for participants who have already completed a Provider (2-day) PALS course and wish to recertify.
  • Renewal (1-day) PALS course is required every 2 years.
  • The prerequisite for PALS Renewal course is a current HSFC BLS for Health Care Provider (C) card.

Registration Fees

Preference will be given to Southern Health-Santé Sud employees and Affiliate sites within Southern Health-Santé Sud.

Southern Health-Santé Sud Employees (including SH-SS Physicians):
Registration Fee:      $300

Non-Southern Health-Santé Sud participants:
Registration Fee:      $400

Registration includes PALS Provider textbook (if requested), and indirect PALS fees for the course.

Please send cheque, made payable to Southern Health-Santé Sud, to:

Staff Development
Bethesda Regional Health Centre
316 Henry St
Steinbach MB R5G 0P9

You may also pay by credit card by calling 204-326-6411 ext. 2154.

Regional Course Cancellation Policy

In the event of written cancellation received (3) weeks before the course, the registration fee will be refunded minus a $25 administration fee. No refunds will be issued after that date.

Registration closes 3 weeks prior to the course. Courses often have waitlists and therefore, participants who are registered for the course are asked to please ensure they are able to attend and if they need to withdraw, to do so 3 weeks prior to the course so that a participant on the waitlist can attend in their place.

Important Course Postponement Information

In the case of inclement weather on the morning of any regional education session, please call 204-422-3106 to check if your education session has been postponed due to inclement weather.

Registration is limited and processed on a ‘first come first serve’ basis. If less than 6 participants are registered the course will be cancelled.

Complete registration along with payment is required. Registration preference will be given to Southern Health-Santé Sud employees and physicians.

  • 1Select Ticket
  • 2Attendees
  • 3Payment
  • 4Confirmation
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PALS Renewal Course } BTHC
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Sep 24 2025


9:00 AM - 4:00 PM


Boundary Trails Health Centre
Hwy 3 & 14, Winkler MB


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