Medically Supervised Withdraw Bed Training PDGH
In this presentation you will find information regarding medical withdrawal management with a specific focus on patients who will be utilizing a new medical withdrawal bed at the Portage District General Hospital, however, any nurse who works with patients who have addictions or substance use disorders will find this information useful. The following topics are reviewed in this presentation:
- Function of the RAAM Clinic
- Types of withdrawal including: stimulants, opioids, and alcohol
- Important nursing assessments and assessment tools such as the Clinical Opioid Withdraw Scale (COWS) and Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol (CIWA) which is not discussed in as much depth as the COWS
- Commonly used medications for each type of withdraw, such as suboxone and benzodiazepines
- and Important nursing considerations
Link to Training: Medically Supervised Withdraw Bed Training PDGH