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Events Planning & Campaigns/Initiatives

Events planning, initiatives and campaigns require a communication strategy. Sites, programs and services are required to work collaboratively with the Communications Team to ensure a consistent approach. The following protocol outlines the process.

A. Events and Announcements

  1. The Senior Leader seeks approval from the CEO.
  2. Once approval is confirmed, the Director or designate contacts the Southern Health-Santé Santé Sud Communications Specialist.  
  3. The Communications Specialist mobilizes the event or announcement process including but not limited to selection of date, liaison with provincial representatives, spokespersons, invitations.

B. Initiatives and Campaigns

  1. The Senior Leader seeks approval from the CEO for NEW initiatives and campaigns. Reoccurring initiatives and campaigns such as the flu campaign does not require CEO approval.
  2. Once approval is confirmed, the Director or designate contacts the Southern Health-Santé Santé Sud Communications Specialist.
  3. The Communications Specialist, in consultation with the site, program or service determines which of the following communication resources will be implemented depending on resources, budget and scope of initiative or campaign:

Communication Tactics & Tools

  1. The site, program or service completes the Request for Speech Writing Form to inform the first-draft script and assumes other responsibilities, such as dissemination of print pieces.  Reoccurring initiatives and campaigns do not require the completion of the form. 
  2. Directors or designate seek final decision-making approval for initiatives and campaigns from the appropriate Senior Leader (i.e. print pieces, selection of spokesperson, etc.)
Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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