Interpreter Services

The role of an interpreter is to facilitate communication between people who do not share a common language. The interpretation process involves converting a message from one language (source language) into an equivalent message in another language (target language).
Requesting an interpreter (Monday-Friday 0800-1600 hrs)
Service providers must request an interpreter on behalf of their patients/clients when required. Interpreter services are available 24/7/365 in-person, over-the-phone or via video conference in over 200 languages, and are free for patients in Manitoba. To request an interpreter, service providers may select one of the following submission methods:
Phone: call Language Access Central Dispatch at 204-788-8585
Fax: complete the Language Access Interpreter Request form and fax to: 204-940-8650
Email: complete the Language Access Interpreter Request form and send to
More information on Language Access Interpreter Services
NOTE: For interpretation in Indigenous languages or American Sign Language (ASL), call Language Access Central Dispatch at 204-788-8585 to be routed to the applicable department or agency that provides this service. Language Access partners with WRHA Indigenous Health, Kivilliq Inuit Services and the E-Quality Communication Centre of Excellence (ECCOE) for the provision of professional interpreter services for all language constituencies.