Logistics & Supply Chain Management
Manager – Supply Chain Services 204-388-3042 Email
Contract: a comprehensive agreement between Southern Health-Santé Sud and our partner supplier for a specific item(s) at an agreed volume, price, quality, and availability.
Purchase Price Agreement (PPA): an agreement between Southern Health-Santé Sud and our supplier for a specific item(s) at a specific price. These PPAs are subject to change, usually on an annual basis, but are not a contract and could change at any time.
Contracts & PPAs help Southern Health-Santé Sud get the best value for money and adhere to practice standards. These reduce workload for Requests for Proposals (RFPs) and Request for Quotes (RFQs) allowing us to focus on other areas of service in the organization.

Many programs and services in Southern Health-Santé Sud do purchasing.
- we help generate policy that governs the purchase of items
- respond to questions and assist with suppliers
- purchase on behalf of a program or site
- liaison between the contract and end-user and the supplier
Purchasing categories:
- Stocked Clinical/Non-Clinical Supplies
- Non-Stocked Clinical/Non-Clinical Supplies
- Small Equipment (Less than $2,000)
- Capital Equipment (Greater than $2,000)
- Services
When selecting items on a supplier website it is important to locate the part number and provide this on the Purchase Requisition Form. When there is no part number visible (very common with Walmart and Amazon) then we ask that you copy the link to the item(s) being requested and paste on the requisition or add to the body of your email. Submit all of your requests directly to orders@southernhealth.ca

We have 3 distribution centres:
- Steinbach Distribution Centre – Bethesda Regional Health Centre
- Boundary Distribution Centre – Boundary Trails Health Centre
- Portage Distribution Centre – Portage District General Hospital
To obtain items from the warehouse:
- we have a Top-Up Lists (TULs) for all programs to highlight regularly purchased stock and non-stock items
- contact us to obtain the TUL for your program area
- fill in the required information
- send to your local distribution centre
- MMT will contact you with any further questions
- the required items come in to the distribution centre to store until required or sent to your department
- Non-stock items are not stored in the warehouse
- fill in a purchase requisition and have it approved by your program lead
- non-standard item – fill in the Request for Information and we will help find the best source for your item
- we will ensure items are received and the Southern Health-Santé Sud Accounts Payable has all the information required to pay the supplier
- we ensure the right account codes and programs are charged for purchased items

Distribution occurs once the warehouse-receiving process is done.
- end users at the distribution centre sites receive the delivers to agreed areas
- end users outside the distribution centre have a courier deliver to their receiving areas (see Transportation)
Example of items that are distributed or picked up:
- Labs
- Biohazardous Waste
- Laundry
- Meals
- Drugs
- Supplies

Interesting facts:
- courier routes travel 400 km/day
- most facilities are visited daily (exceptions: La Salle, Sprague, St. Malo, Lorette and Grunthal)
Also see courier map runs below

East courier run

West AM courier run

West PM courier run