Nutrition & Food Services
- all nutrition and food service staff are trained and certified in Safe Food Handling
- each site is regularly inspected by a Public Health Inspector
- we review best practice guidelines, create policies/procedures and ensure we follow:
- Manitoba Health Standards
- Food Safety Regulations
- Infection, Prevention & Control Guidelines
- Workplace Health & Safety Standards
- Clinical Practice Guidelines/Practice-based Evidence in Nutrition
- Eating Well – Canada’s Food Guide
- Ellyn Satter’s Hierarchy of Food Needs
We work together with registered dietitians to create nutritious and appetizing menus while operating safe and cost-effective food services.
- approximately 5,400 meals are served per day across Southern Health-Santé Sud
- meals and snacks are prepared for clients, residents, staff and visitors including approved outpatient programs, meals on wheels, adult day programs, cafeteria, catering and vending services
- 25 therapeutic diets and 4 modified textures and in addition, multiple combinations of diets/textures
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