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Canadian Partnership Against Cancer (CPAC)

Community Engagement Project

  • In partnership with Dakota Ojibway Health Services, Southern Health-Santé Sud has invited 5 First Nations communities to community engagement session to talk about their priorities for palliative care and service gaps.
  • The communities include: Dakota Tipi First Nation, Long Plain First Nation, Roseau River Anishinaabe First Nation, Sandy Bay Ojibway First Nation, Swan Lake Ojibway First Nation
  • Opportunities will be offered to care givers, families, and health staff to share their experiences and expertise and vision for the future
  • With the goals to co-design a model of care for each community that promotes holistic healing including spiritual, physical, mental and emotional health.
  • Guided by the CPAC documents Palliative Care Competency Framework & Journey to the Spirit World: First Nations Inuit & Metis approaches and end of life care in Canada
  • Project Outcomes: Build trust and establish and maintain positive relationships with First Nation partners Improve communication and coordination of palliative care within the First Nation communities
  • This project has made possible through collaboration and financial support from the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer Corporation and Health Canada.
Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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