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Surviving Operational Staffing | Part II

In February 2013 a Black Belt Lean Project was initiated to build on work of the Green Belt Lean Project S.O.S Part 1. Although the first project at Bethesda Regional Health Centre achieved significant improvements with the hiring of staff and initial entry of staff into the electronic system, the site was still experiencing many scheduling challenges with staff. During the project, the team was able to implement changes to scheduler work assignments, new standard work processes and decentralization of staffing/scheduling processes from the regional office to the site. The project also implemented a fundamental change by changing from QHR to ESP electronic scheduling software. Project goals were achieved with results including a 72% improvement in the rate of scheduling errors and a 63% improvement in processing time.

Here are the documents from our project:

A3 Report
Communication Plan
Savings Calculator
Report Out Presentation

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