MEASLES       Public Website      Pay Statements

We Communicate Best

Project Status: Complete

In the fall of 2014 the project team reviewed the processes involving the collection of information for work related injuries, billing to Worker’s Compensation Board (WCB), the release of personal health information to WCB and the receipt of monies owing for services rendered. The team found many unexpected opportunities for improvement, but focused on the collection of information, billing processes, release of personal health information to WCB; and accounts receivable. Redundancies were eliminated, processes trimmed and invoices created for services provided to WCB that were previously provided, in error, for free. Additionally, the reporting capabilities of existing applications were utilized to better manage billing and outstanding invoices. The team knew that processes needed to improve, but the revenue as a result was unexpected.

This site contains the following documents from our project:

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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