Nursing Licensure Reimbursement
Manitoba nurses employed by any Employer (including Southern Health-Santé Sud and SPA Service Providers) listed in Appendix D of the MNU Collective Agreement, including those who hold casual status or a term position, and who are on the payroll as of December 1, 2023, are eligible for reimbursement of fees paid to maintain their nursing licensure and CNPS core service liability insurance for the 2024 licensure year.
Once payment of licensure and core service liability insurance has been made in full by the nurse to the governing body, the nurse can complete the Expense Claim Form linked below.
Fees eligible for reimbursement do not include any supplemental insurance, or additional costs such as Criminal Record Checks (including Vulnerable Sector Search), Child Abuse Registry Checks, Adult Abuse Registry Checks, etc.
Note: Nurses who pay for their licensure in monthly or quarterly installments must wait to claim reimbursement once the payment has been made in full.
Expense Claim Form Instructions:
The Expense Claim form can be printed and submitted in-person or submitted via email.
Complete all fields in the top section of the form, including the signature fields. Once complete, submit the form along with proof of payment (i.e., paid invoice or receipt), to your manager for authorization. ***Please note, for nurses employed by more than one Employer, the expense claim form may only be completed and submitted once, to one of the Employers.
Reimbursement will be made by direct deposit through regular SH-SS accounts payable processes.
Maximum amounts eligible for reimbursement are below. Please note that if a nurse has membership with the Association of Regulated Nurses of Manitoba (ARNM), this membership includes the CNPS Liability Insurance. By providing proof of payment for membership with ARNM, the nurse is eligible only for the amount paid for the CNPS Liability as outlined below.
Category | College | CNPS Liability | Subtotal | GST | Total |
RN | $525.39 | $88 | $613.39 | $30.67 | $644.06 |
RN(NP) | $806.76 | $179.50 | $ 986.26 | $49.31 | $1 035.57 |
LPN | $545 | $73 | $618* | $30.90 | $648.90 |
RPN | $618 | $92.25 | $710.25 | $35.51 | $745.76 |
*NOTE: LPN’s do not require CNPS Liability, however if they have opted to pay for the core liability, it is to be reimbursed as per the amounts above.
Managers will approve reimbursement based on the eligibility criteria of active employment as of December 1, 2023, and proof of 2024 licensure payment. For all approved reimbursements, managers are asked to use secondary (expense) code 66020. Managers may connect with their Business & Finance Analyst if they have any questions regarding this process.