MEASLES       Public Website      Pay Statements

Further to the Admin Update of August 14th, 2024 Hand-in Packages from the subject orientations are to be handled as follows:

Staff will hand their packages in to their manager, or the manager’s designate as instructed at the time of hire. 

Managers who are in facilities will send the package to the facility’s Education Facilitator, who will verify that the package is complete.  Upon verification the paperwork will be sent to the staff’s personnel record and attendance will be recorded in QHR and sent to payroll (when staff completed the orientation while off-duty)

Community and Regional Programs
Managers or their designates will scan the hand-in package and email to and send the package to the staff’s personnel file. Staff from Staff Development, IP&C will confirm verify that the package is complete and completion will be recorded in QHR and sent to payroll (when staff completed the orientation while off-duty). In a case where Staff Development, IP&C are unable to determine if the education was completed while on or off-duty they will contact the staff’s manager.

Please note:  When completing the sign-in sheet staff will be asked for their Base Site/Program for payroll purposes. Staff whose program does not appear in this list are to choose Regional Payroll, as this question is focused only on how staff are paid, as opposed to what program they work for.

Submitted by:  Staff Development
For more info. contact:  Tara Stewart, Manager – Clinical Initiatives and Mentorships

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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