Return of Unused and Expired COVID-19 XBB Vaccine Doses
Letter shared on behalf of Manitoba Health, Seniors and Long-Term Care
August 19, 2024
Re: Return of Unused and Expired COVID-19 XBB Vaccine Doses
Dear Health Care Provider,
As we prepare for the upcoming distribution of the new KP.2 strain COVID-19 vaccines in the fall, we are requesting the return of all unused and expired doses of the XBB.1.5
formulation to our provincial warehouse on or before the end of August.
To support a timely review process, Health Canada has amended the procedure for reviewing COVID-19 vaccines to align more closely with the established review process
for influenza vaccines. Moving forward, one Drug Identification Number (DIN) will be assigned to each product presentation (e.g., Pfizer Comirnaty age 12+ multi-dose vial
[MDV], Moderna Spikevax age 6 months+ MDV). Since only one formulation can be available on the market at any given time under each DIN, we require the return of all
unused and expired XBB.1.5 doses to ensure the smooth rollout of the new KP.2 COVID-19 vaccines.
Instructions for Returning Vaccine:
Please refer to the Vaccine and Biologics Return Policy and Procedure ( for guidance on how
to return unused and expired doses. Your prompt action in this matter is critical to our ongoing efforts to manage the vaccine supply effectively and avoid any potential delays
in receiving the KP.2 product.
REMINDER: Registration for the 2024/25 Vaccine Preventable Respiratory Illnesses Immunization Program
Health care providers are required to register in order to participate in Manitoba’s Respiratory Illness Immunization Program, which includes influenza and COVID-19
vaccines. For the 2024/25 season, immunization providers will again be able to place orders and receive deliveries for influenza and COVID-19 vaccines. Pneumococcal
vaccines will also be available to order. Please note: To ensure the most up to date contact information for each location, last year’s registration information has been
removed from our system.
While there will be no deadline to register, providers are strongly recommended to do so as soon as possible, to ensure receipt of all communications, allow for the creation of
distribution groups, and for allocation planning.
Please visit to review the program requirements and complete the registration form at
Please note: a five digit Holding Point Code (Client ID) is required in order to complete the registration. If your location does not have an account with the provincial vaccine warehouse, please complete and submit the following form:
Thank you,
“Original signed by”
Richard Baydack, PhD
Communicable Disease Control
Davinder Singh, MD, JD, MSc, FRCP
Medical Officer of Health
Communicable Disease Control
Submitted by: Stephanie Verhoeven, Director, Health Services – Public Health-Healthy Living & Primary Care
For more info. contact: