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Policy Web Page & Tool

This tool makes use of library filters (1 and 2 below) and a search bar (3 below).

screen capture of policy tool with Category filter numbered as 1. and Tag filter numbered as 2. and Search filter numbered as 3.

The filters are set up as follows:

Category (1): The drop-down options in this filter are the Program Areas.
Tag (2): The drop-down options in this filter are the Policy Sections as well as Clinical, Organizational and Forms policy groups.
Selecting an option from one or both of the filters will narrow down the results to include only the documents with that Category and/or Tag. You can only select one option from each of the filters at a time. Filters can also be used together with the search bar.

To use the tool’s search bar (3), enter a key word or policy number. This will search for the key word or policy number in each of the document title, document category, and document tag fields, along with searching within the document content.

PDF FILLABLE FORMS: due to browsers defaults, you may experience issues viewing or filling out a fillable pdf form. Please download the file on your device prior to using.

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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