Staff Announcement | Director, Health Services – PH-HL & Primary Care
It is with mixed feelings that I share that Stephanie Verhoeven, Director, Health Services – Public Health-Healthy Living and Primary Care, has announced her retirement effective January 31, 2025. Stephanie has been with the region for close to 40 years and began her career in the Public Health program as a nurse. In 2008, Stephanie became the Director of the program and impressively led the program and the region through various challenges such as H1N1, RHA amalgamation, and most recently the COVID pandemic.
Best wishes for the most enjoyable retirement with time now to do all of things you have always dreamed of. Whether that is traveling to a new place or picking up a new hobby, this new chapter is all about you!
Please join me in congratulating Stephanie on this great accomplishment!
Submitted by: Dana Human, Regional Lead – Community & Continuing Care
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