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As many of you are aware Samantha Thompson has taken a term position with Staff Education and as such will no longer be working in the Regional Nurse 4- IP+C in LTC role. We want to wish her all the best in that new position.

We are excited to announce that we have been successful in recruiting a replacement and Erin Whiteway has joined the Personal Care Home Infection Prevention and Control team in the 2nd Nurse 4-IP+C Role as of December 2nd. Erin has extensive experience with Public Health and Communicable disease. We feel this experience makes her an ideal candidate for this position.

Erin will be based at Boundary Trails Place with Tracy Ward. She can be reached via email or via phone 204-822-2679/ 204-823-8279

Please ensure that any ICP related communication and outbreak notifications are made to both Tracy and Erin going forward.

Submitted by: Stephanie Rozsa & Marianne Woods, Directors – Personal Care Homes – East/West
For information contact Marianne or Stephanie

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