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It is with mixed feelings that I share that Shirley Guenther has announced her retirement as the Manager, Health Services for Gladstone Health Centre, effective December 13, 2024.  Shirley has been in the position for the past 10 years and has truly demonstrated service excellence!  She is always such an ambassador for the community and the region; we will miss her wealth of experience.  Best wishes for the most enjoyable retirement with time now to do all of your favorite things!

I am pleased to announce that Laura Marchant has accepted the position of Manager, Health Services – LTC Administration for Gladstone Health Centre.  Laura has her Baccalaureate Degree in Nursing and is familiar with Gladstone, having worked previously as the Manager for Third Crossing Manor.  Laura will begin orientation on a part time basis starting on November 6, 2024, with the transition into full time hours effective November 25th.  I am looking forward to working with her in this new role.

Please join me in congratulating both Shirley and Laura on the new chapters in their lives!

Submitted by:  Marianne Woods, Director, Health Services – Personal Care Homes West
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