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Concordia Hospital in Winnipeg is set to welcome Manitoba’s first Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) candidate through the Philippines Recruitment Initiative. The candidate has received their work permit approval letter, clearing the way for them to obtain their Philippines exit certificate and start planning their journey. They are likely to arrive in the next 30-60 days and we are thrilled to soon be welcoming them to our community.

Importance of Clinical Competence Assessment

The Clinical Competence Assessment (CCA) is a crucial requirement of Manitoba’s nursing colleges to assess nursing knowledge and practice and identify gaps in nursing knowledge and skills that must be addressed through education to be eligible for licensure. This is an essential step to ensuring they can provide safe, quality care in the Manitoba health system. All of the candidates are required to complete a CCA. The recruitment team and the University of Manitoba have been working to support candidates through this process.

For candidates that have been deemed ineligible (based on their CCA) for the nursing re-entry program, we are working with our colleagues across the system to identify potential alternate pathways.

Momentum Building for HCA Micro Credential Course

The number of Health Care Aides (HCAs) participating in the Uncertified Health Care Aide (UHCA) course offered by Red River College Polytech continues to grow. The UHCA course includes five days of theory and two days of hands-on training. Participants hone their skills in caring for older adults, learn proper body mechanics, and learn how to perform tasks safely in the clinical area. This includes handwashing, the use of personal protective equipment, and aspects of care that are adaptable to various healthcare environments. The UHCA course complements additional new employee orientation topics including orientation to Canadian healthcare, communication, dementia, palliative care, Medical Assistance in Dying (MAiD), and facility-specific orientation to safe patient handling.

To date, seven PRI-related Health Care Aides have enrolled in the March cohort. April registration closes on March 21. Registration starts with a few simple steps (link).

Additional Travel Expense Reimbursement Education

The PRI team continues to look for ways to support new arrivals as they navigate their first weeks in Manitoba. Employees have a great deal to learn—including new administrative processes like travel expense reimbursement. A new video is available to provide these employees with additional support (link). While the video is distributed by the SHMB Talent Acquisition Team as part of the onboarding process, please share where you see the opportunity to reinforce this important process. Additional videos are planned to follow.

Virtual Pre-arrival Sessions for Candidates Continue

The PRI team has received great feedback on the virtual Pre-arrival Information Sessions. These webinars started in December and will be delivered monthly. A session was just delivered for the March and early April arrivals, with the next one planned for mid-April. The 60-minute online seminar is targeted at candidates with confirmed travel plans. The session reinforces many topics in the Pre-arrival Guide (link). It provides an opportunity for candidates to pre-submit questions. It also gives the PRI team a chance to emphasize critical messages, like dressing appropriately for Manitoba weather—reminding them of the adage, “There is no bad weather, only bad clothes!”

Candidate Arrival Rates Continue to Grow

The program welcomed 19 candidates in the last six weeks, with nine arrivals in the last two weeks alone! It is exciting to be welcoming new members of our health care teams and we know that they are being welcomed with open arms in their new workplaces and communities!

Based on the latest predictive analysis, we continue to adjust arrival estimates. An estimated 93 candidates are forecasted to arrive in the next six months, with potential for a busy July:

graphic of philippine candidate progress

Looking to earlier stages in the candidate journey, we continue to see progress.

Overall, the average immigration journey from retainer signature to arrival is 153 days for HCAs and 166 days IENs. We are looking at areas where we can continue to improve our processes to support candidate arrivals.

Submitted by: Erin Lussier, Shared Health

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