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Client Experience Surveys

Understanding a client’s experience when they have received health care is integral to improving people/client care. The following program client experience reports provide a platform for continuous improvement for the client experience.

For questions or would like support to understand the results most relevant to you:

  • Acute inpatient care: contact
  • All other programs: contact respective program leads

The Canadian Patient Experience Survey-Inpatient Care (CPES-IC) was developed and standardized by the Canadian Institute for Health Information (CIHI) for use across Canada to understand the experiences of patients in acute care hospitals, support accreditation and to improve the quality of care for patients.  All rural Service Delivery Organizations in Manitoba use the same survey (access a sample) and mail out is coordinated by Manitoba Health.

Acute Inpatient Experience Interactive Database

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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