What Matters to You? CARE
“What Matters to You?” is a simple question aimed at improving communication, fostering shared decisions and ensuring that care is aligned with what matters to clients and their families. Instead of asking patients “What’s the matter with you?”, “What matters to you?” helps ensure that care is aligned with patient preferences, builds trusting relationships, and advances people-centred care.
Here are tools to use with patients, clients, families, communities, and stakeholders to help with these conversations depending on the depth of the engagement strategy you are planning and the setting.
What Matters to You – Information Brochure (for public distribution) (French)
What Matters to You – Fill-in poster (bedside tool)
Quick Tips for 1-time Engagement (Tool for Staff) | Tool for Public (English or French)
Poster (bilingual-8.5 x 11)
Poster (bilingual-8.5 x 14)
Patient Advocacy
Patients and families have a right to request the information they need and to enlist the help of a trusted friend or family member to support them or act on their behalf. Share the following resources with clients/patients: