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Access the self-learning module on harm reduction supply distribution. Practice quiz below

Self-learning package

Practice Quiz:

  1. Harm reduction is a pragmatic response that focuses on keeping people safe by minimizing death, preventing disease and injury associated with higher risk behavior, while recognizing that the behavior may continue despite the risks. True or False?


  1. Safer sex practices, safer drug use practices and other harm reduction tools are the most effective methods of preventing STBBI transmission. ? is not an achievable goal (or desired one) for most people and therefore, ? tools are the best strategy.

harm reduction

  1. Safer sex practices includes which of the following?
    a. using latex or polyurethane condoms and sex dams
    b. using gloves for all sex involving hands or fingers
    c. lubrication should be used to prevent damage to mucous membranes
    d. All of the above

d. All of the above

  1. When should someone have STBBI screening completed?
    a. every 6-12 months
    b. after every risky encounter
    c. more regularly when engaged in ongoing risk such as injection drug use
    d. All of the above

d. All of the above

  1. A “window period” is described as?

The time between exposure to an infection, and when a test is able to detect the infection. The length of a window period can vary depending on the infection.

  1. All drug use supplies can transmit HIV and Hep C infections if shared with an HIV-positive or Hep C-positive person. Drug use supplies that can transmit infections include:
    a. needles/syringes,
    b. water, filters,
    c. cookers/spoons,
    d. snorters/pipes and barrels
    e. All of the above

e. All of the above

  1. For clients who choose to smoke or snort their drugs: what should you recommended clients do to their pipes or tubing?
    a. clean pipes or tubing with alcohol swabs between each use
    b. never share pipes or tubes
    c. All of the above

c. All of the above

  1. Arrange in order of least risk to most risk

    a. huffing
    b. smoking
    c. sharing supplies
    d. snorting
    e. no use
    f. injecting
    g. swallowing

a. no use
b. swallowing
c. huffing
d. smoking
e. snorting
f. injecting
g. sharing supplies

  1. What are signs of an overdose from stimulants?
    a. fast heart rate, fever, blue lips, pale skin
    b. foaming at the mouth, vomiting, seizures, twitching or body shakes
    c. chest pains, going unconscious
    d. All of the above

d. All of the above

  1. What are signs of an overdose from depressants?
    a. breathing slows or stops (less than 18/min), heart rate slows or stops
    b. seizures, twitching or body shakes, vomiting, blue lips or skin, low body temperature
    c. confused or very hard to rouse, going unconscious or sleeping deeply/snoring and can’t be woken
    d. All of the above

d. All of the above

  1. ________________ ? is a drug that can be administered when a person has overdosed on an opiate to prevent death. Clients given ________________ ? should be monitored for 30-60 minutes, as once the ________________ ? wears off, they may experience overdose again.


  1. Good vein care includes:
    a. using a tourniquet to ensure that needle goes into a viable vein.
    b. rotating injection sites to minimize scarring and infection.
    c. saving a vein for medical care
    d. use of ascorbic acid for better vein health when using heroin and crack
    e. All of the above

e. All of the above

  1. If the client is using a new dealer, after detox, or if talk of “bad” drugs on the street, it is important to education the client to inject a smaller than normal dose of the drug prior to injecting a full dose. This is called:
    a. flavour
    b. bite
    c. taste
    d. All of above

c. taste

  1. Health care providers, such as _______________ ?, can provide referrals and/or linkages to agencies that can assist and provide support with behaviour changes i.e. AFM, mental health services.

public health nurses

  1. Can you think of other agencies that can assist and provide support?

Manitoba Addictions Helpline
Mental Health & Addictions Services in Manitoba

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