COVID       Public Website      Pay Statements

Complete appropriate sections using the applicable online resources to the self-learning packages A to F. Other interested stakeholders (i.e. emergency response services, diagnostic services who work within our service delivery organization) are welcome to also complete the packages. If you have questions, contact your site program educator.

Package AAll Staff (content covered-fire safety, WHMIS & IPS, SCHIPP evaluations, spiritual care, ethics and respectful workplace & cultural sensitivity)

Package BAll Nurses and Health Care Aides (content covered-oral care, patient identifiers and information transfer, IV central venous access device (CVAC)

Package CAll PCH Staff (content covered-abuse and Protection for Persons in Care Office (PPCO), bill of rights, geriatric topic and restraints)

Package D All Staff who Transport Blood (content covered-transport of blood and blood products)

Package EAll Acute Care Nurses (content covered-transfusion medicine and procedural sedation)

Package FAll Home Care Staff (content covered-client identifiers, conflict of interest, ADL, assignment, client not at home, violence prevention and PHIA and social media)

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.
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