MEASLES       Public Website      Pay Statements

With more than 70 disciplines and nearly 8,000 individual employees, our allied health teams support care in every corner of Manitoba and touch the lives of nearly every Manitoba family. The unique skills and diverse roles of allied health professionals cover the full range of
preventive, diagnostic, treatment, and technical services, supporting Manitobans at every stage of their care journey.

Help us recognize the positive impact of allied health professionals on patient, resident and client care every day, and express our appreciation for their efforts to keep us all well. Send us a photo of an allied health professional or allied health team at your site!

Photos will be edited into a compilation video and shared on regional social media platforms.


  1. Take your photo in a bright space. Turn on the lights, open the blinds, or step outside! Additional light will make your photo clearer.
  2. Please remember, all staff must comply with PHIA protocols when taking photos. Our policy prohibits staff from taking photos of patients or patient health information.
  3. If taking a photo in a clinical setting, ensure everyone is wearing the appropriate PPE for that space.
  4. Email your photo to Natasha Woloschuk or send the photo through Microsoft Teams. Please include the names of the allied health professionals featured in the photo, their professions, and the program/region they work for.

Deadline:  Monday, Oct. 7

Submitted by:  Shared Health

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.