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SLR Orientation

Facility Orientation

Prior to starting the course, ensure you have the following: a distraction-free space ...

Nursing Orientation

Prior to starting the course, ensure you have the following: a distraction-free space ...

Orientation | Baby Friendly Initiative (BFI)

A global standard and important designation awarded to health organizations. Why breastfeed? provides normal and optimal nutrition for babies increases babies' immunity provides protection for many illnesses and diseases for both mom and babies breastmilk can't be replicated artificially as it is always changing to provide what the baby needs ...

Orientation | Health Care Aide (HCA)

Prior to starting the course, please ensure you have the following: A distraction-free space A stable internet connection Three (3) hours dedicated to completing the course A personal device (computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone). Speakers or headphones for audio sections Welcome Letter | Infographic This is the information given to ...

Orientation | Home Care

10 min video on the process of discharge from the hospital to community with home care services ...

Orientation | Nursing

A SH-SS Nursing Orientation Checklist has been developed and is ready for use, to help guide newly hired nurses on their units during their orientation. The Nursing Orientation Checklist is very generalized and can be used for staff who work in either Acute or LTC. Please note that if a ...

Orientation | Obstetrical-Emergency Department

Please select the video below that pertains to the current topic in your self-learn education package (NOTE: do not watch the videos at the same time because there is a short quiz to be taken after each video in the self-learn package). After each video is complete, please return to ...

Regional Orientation (Virtual)

Prior to starting the course, ensure you have the following: a distraction-free space ...
Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.