As many of you are aware Southern Health-Santé Sud (SHSS) is participating in the Modernization and Provincial Standardization: Pathway to Long-Term Care (LTC) Project. On February 18, Shared Health released a Provincial Clinical Practice Change with the updated Medical Assessment form for LTC.
Within SHSS we are undertaking a pilot project that will commence Monday, February 24, 2025to trial when the medical assessment is completed. The previous process asked for redundant information from physicians to confirm medical stability and the level of professional interventions required for Personal Care Home (PCH) or supportive housing care. Much of that information lives already within the Home Care system with the Home Care Case Coordinator (HCCC).
The NEW form also focuses on CONTINUITY of CARE – what medical issues still need addressing (and their relevant history and physical findings) as the patient enters a PCH. For example, a handover from the primary care provider to the PCH provider as the patient enters their new home.
HCCC will now complete the application for PCH admission with families without a medical form for clients requesting a SHSS PCH.
As we are the first region to test this process, the clients requesting a PCH outside of SHSS will require a medical form completed.
Once an individual reaches third from the top of the PCH waitlist, the PCH will trigger the medical completion in coordination with the Long-Term Care Access Coordinator. The individual and families will receive communication along with a copy of the medical form and be asked to visit their primary care provider to have the medical form completed. For individuals residing in acute care awaiting placement the most responsible provider will be asked to complete the medical assessment when the bed has become available for the individual
The completed form will be sent back to our Long-Term care Access Coordinator for distribution to all preferred PCHs listed on the individual’s application. This medical assessment will be valid for six (6) months.
In an effort to close the loop in communication, once an individual is admitted to a PCH the primary care provider will be notified in writing by the PCH to advise their patient has been admitted and medical care of the patient has been assumed by the PCH provider. This will allow the primary care provider to de-enroll the individual from their home clinic.
More detailed information will be sent to the primary care providers directly as well.
Any questions about the change in process can be directed to any of the project team including Debbie Harms, Marianne Woods, Kelly Kaleta, Kaleigh Balboa, Dr. Rusk or Dr. Gosselin.
Submitted by: Stephanie Rozsa, Interim Regional Lead – Community & Continuing Care