Code White Task Sheet Changes
Changes have been made to Code White Task Sheets. The information and response plans have not changed, but the information on different responses has been separated to make it clearer and more concise. Also, a task with instructions on how to lock doors and areas as well as specifying which doors being able to be locked was added to the task sheet.
The two Code White responses, Code White Assistance Needed for when staff would like additional staff to respond and when it is not safe for staff to be in the area, Code White Avoid and/or Secure are now the only responses on the Code White task sheet.
The Restrict Entry response to an external threat when a site would restrict who is entering the site has been made into its own task sheet.
The response for someone actively using a dangerous weapon in the site is an Armed Assailant response and is now on its own task sheet as well.
As a reminder, someone having a weapon on them is not likely an Armed Assailant or even a Code White event. Unless they have the intention of using the weapon, having a weapon when the person is not agitated and not becoming aggressive is not requiring a Code White or Armed Assailant response. There is information on different ways a weapon being brought into the site can be handled in the Code White response plan. Also a one pager on Amnesty Bags has been created for easy referral and review.
Sites are asked to review their current Code White response plan and with that information, edit the revised Code White, Restrict Entry and Armed Assailant task sheets, print and replace the current copies at the site with these three and send to [email protected]. Once the new task sheets are in place sites are to share the new task sheets and Amnesty Bag one pager with staff.
Submitted by: Jolene Dayholos, Emergency Preparedness Specialist
Contact Info: T 204-428-2733 | C 204-712-6009 |