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Please be advised the following monographs have been updated on the Drug Monographs page. For IV Parenteral Drug Manual holders, please add/replace/discard as indicated.

Discard the old monograph, PRINT (using the hyperlink) & replace with the new monograph in the Adult Parenteral Drug Monograph Manual as listed below:

Medication/TopicApproved Changes
atropineDosage: added drug-induces conduction impairment
methylene blueNEW
neostigmineDosage: added dose varies depending on depth of blockage: 0.02 to 0.07 mg/kg IV under neuromuscular blockade antagonism
oxytocin labour inductionDosage: added 4 milliunit/min according to SOGC dosing protocol
phenytoinReconstitution table for IV Bolus: adjusted diluent volume and final volume
potassium chlorideRevised availability of pre-mixed bags table
pralidoximeReconstitution tables: added
Dosage: updated per antidote list
protamineDosage: updated according to antidote list
vancomycinAdded: exception Eugia brand under mini-bag plus compatible

Submitted by: Cécile Dumesnil, Manager – Pharmacy
For more info. contact: 204-371-5952 or

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