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SLR Leadership-Management

Health Care Associated Infection (HAI) Policy Education

Surveillance of Healthcare Associated Infections in Acute Care and Personal Care Homes policy For all nursing staff and site leadership (incl. Acute or PCH leads/designates). Choose one of the options below: In-person Sessions - contact your education facilitator for avail. dates Self-study paper copy - contact your education facilitator for ...

Occupational Health | Immunizations for Health Care Workers Policy

Information for Leadership and Administration on the Immunizations for Health Care Workers policy CLI.8011.PL.008 ...

Portable Fan Usage in Health Care Facilities

Safe use of portable fans in health care facilities - for nurses (regular, not casual), health care aids, housekeeping and maintenance staff at acute and long term sites. In-person Sessions - contact your education facilitator for session options using Knowledge Check; sign-in sheet submitted to: [email protected] Self-study paper copy - ...

The Leader Within

A series of interviews with leaders in Southern Health-Santé Sud providing all staff a unique opportunity to learn, get to know our leaders and be inspired how we can all contribute to our vision 'Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.' Episode 1 - CEO, Jane Curtis Episode 2 - Mary ...
Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.