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We want to thank everyone who participated in Mental Health Week activities this year! 

We had 346 SH-SS entries for the BINGO challenge. A big congratulations goes out to the winners of the $100 gift cards: Christine Turnbull, Nicole Zaragosa, and Jackie Laviolette. Why not keep mental health BINGO going? Save the mental health bingo card strategies (in your desk, on your computer or bulletin board) and add good mental health all year round.

Also, a big thank-you to comedian Matt Falk who has us laughing all through lunch, and Dr. Jeremiah Buhler who reminded us how to care for ourselves in the midst of the important work we do.

Your feedback is important to us, and here are some of the thoughts you shared:

  • “Love this idea – I’ll continue to do more of these (bingo suggestions) as the weeks go on”
  • “I particularly enjoyed the exercise involving reflection and writing down good things about the day.  Thank you!
  • “Loved it – ideas that were simple to add into my day, but very effective in helping me feel relaxed”
  • “I started a drawing class 2 weeks ago for trying something new, and I love it”
  • “Had lunch with a coworker that I have been meaning to catch up with forever – this was our prompt to make it work”
  • “Thank you!  The Matt Falk comedy hour was super fun!”
  • “These small things make a big impact”

We all have mental health – so take good care of yours.  See you next year!

Submitted by: Mental Health Week Planning Committee – SH-SS Public Health-Healthy Living, SH-SS Mental Health & Addictions, Eden Health Care Services

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.