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Child and Youth Virtual Consultation and Crisis Response Service

The Child and Youth Virtual Consultation and Crisis Response Service has been created to support professionals and paraprofessionals who have a helping relationship with a child
or youth living in Manitoba.

The service will offer timely consultation/assessment, crisis intervention and brief treatment for children/youth presenting with complex mental health and substance use issues to stabilize and facilitate additional care, reducing pressures on emergency and acute care services while reducing service gaps.

Why to Call the Service

The aim of the service is to ensure providers supporting children and youth have the ability to promptly access supports and opportunities for consultation for clients with complex mental health and/or substance use concerns.

Criteria for inclusion into the service are:

  • Requests for consultation from service providers
  • Requests in relation to a child/youth under 18 years
  • Service providers to maintain a helping relationship with the child/youth they are consulting about

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday from 12 p.m. to 8 p.m

Where to Contact

To make it easier for health providers to access service, there are several ways to contact our team and request support:


MB Telehealth: 1-888-315-9257
[email protected]

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.