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Information in this self-learning package regarding signs and symptoms of VKDB, diagnosis, risk factors and treatment.

It is imperative we educate our clients about the importance of the neonate receiving Vitamin K. Since
the introduction of Vitamin K injections to the neonate, incidences of VKDB have decreased

Check with your educator or designate for access to sign-in sheets if required.

Self-learning package

Post Quiz

  1. Name three reasons why Vitamin K is deficient in the neonate.
  1. At what age is the neonate able to use the vitamin K in breast milk?
  1. What dosage/route of Vitamin K should be given?
  1. Name three signs & symptoms of VKDB
  1. Name three risk factors associated with VKDB.
  1. Why is it so important that neonates receive Vitamin K prophylaxis?

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.