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Attention All Staff:

There has been a significant rise in measles cases in many parts of the world, including recent cases across Canada. Measles is one of the most infectious viruses as it spreads via the airborne route and through close contact with respiratory secretions. It also has a significant burden of morbidity and mortality, with complications such as otitis media and bronchopneumonia occurring in about 10% of reported cases, encephalitis occurring in approximately 1 of every 1,000 reported cases, and may result in permanent brain damage or death.

With an increase of recent cases in Canada, measles has shown up in Manitoba including Southern Health-Santé Sud. With pockets of our health region having low immunization rates for measles, there is a need for extra vigilance. We want to be prepared for staff contact tracing should exposures to measles occur.

If Southern Health-Santé Sud staff are exposed to a measles case, they will be required to provide documentation of two doses of measles vaccine OR documentation of immunity to measles through bloodwork OR documented evidence of previous infection. If there is no documentation available, staff will be required to be off work from Day 5-21 following the exposure.

As such, we strongly encourage you to prepare for the following:

  1. For those immunized in 1988 to present, request your immunization record online at Your Immunization Record Matters
  2. If you do not have documentation of two doses of measles vaccination AND do not have documentation of immunity, you should be vaccinated. Contact your Health Care Provider, Public Health or Occupational Health to be vaccinated.
  3. If you are certain you have been immunized with two doses of measles vaccine or had a previous infection, but have no documentation, you can get serology (bloodwork) to test for immunity to measles – contact your Health Care Provider to order bloodwork and request a copy of your results.
  4. Keep your documentation of immunization or immunity at hand, to provide to your Site Infection Control Practitioner if required for contact tracing.

Please post the Managing Measles Presentations in your emergency departments across the region and reference the information on Measles Immunizations.

Please see information regarding Measles Cases confirmed in Manitoba.

Weekend infection control coverage will be provided to support measles outbreaks, contract tracing and consultation as required. A contact will be in place for Friday, February 7 at 1600 to Monday, February at 0800 hours as follows: Infection Control Practitioner at 204-331-8888. Moving forward, the need for weekend coverage will be assessed and communicated if deemed necessary.


Submitted By: Staff Development and Infection Prevention & Control
For more info. contact: Debbie Rigaux, Director, Health Services – Staff Development and Infection Prevention & Control at
204-905-4339 or and Infection Prevention & Control Regional Coordinators, Paula Enns & Shelly Rempel

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.