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with Jane Curtis, CEO

As we approach the end of another year, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible work we’ve done together and express my sincere gratitude for your dedication and unwavering commitment to the health and well-being of those we serve.

This season, I wish each of you a peaceful and joyful holiday, filled with moments of rest and rejuvenation. You’ve earned it! I also want to share my excitement as we look forward to the year ahead, a year brimming with new opportunities and continued growth.

We are wrapping this year with the launch of our new regional website and the replacement of the Health Provider Site with the new and greatly improved StaffNET. These new sites symbolize growth and innovation in our region and our mission to provide accessible and sustainable people-centred services. These websites will be live on December 11, 2024. 

As we move into the new year, let us embrace this fresh chapter, confident in our purpose and inspired by the possibilities ahead. May 2025 bring you glimmers of health and happiness, and all the excitement that comes with the start of a new year.

Thank you for your incredible work, and I look forward to all we will accomplish together in the coming year.

Warmest wishes,

Jane Curtis, Chief Executive Officer

Graphic for Christmas Message

New Features

female pointing to a large mobile device

Your feedback is important!

The Global Workforce Survey (GWS) is open to all staff and physicians in Southern Health-Santé Sud.

The results will be compared to the survey conducted in 2022 and will inform leadership on the action plan to address key issues.

Please take a few minutes to complete they survey if you have not already done so. Posters are available in staff areas and the survey can also be accessed by scanning to QR code on your mobile device. Our goal is to reach at least 50% of staff.

graphic of GWS participation to date

If you have any questions or concerns related to the survey, please speak with your manager or contact Cailin Gagnon.

Submitted by:  Cailin Gagnon, Quality & Accreditation Coordinator

New Features

graphic of poster

Shaping the Role of a Physician Assistant in Rural Health Care – Physician Assistant Day with Heidi Wilson

Heidi Wilson, Physician Assistant

See Shared Health Site for complete story

Mots cachés | Word Search

Trouvez les mots français ci-dessous dans la grille. | Find the French words listed below in the grid.

French crossword

Submitted by: FLS Unit

For more info:

Access the 2 part training requirements here.

This page contains 2 learning options:

Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) Provider Self-Learning Package for Nurses

This self-learning package ensures all Southern Health–Santé Sud nurses who offer the TST develop core competencies related to tuberculin skin testing; includes education regarding administering a TST, which in combination with self and peer evaluation, will allow health care providers to safely provide TSTs to Southern Health-Santé Sud employees. Clinic nurses and nurse practitioners from Gladstone, Notre Dame, St. Claude, and Steinbach Quick Care Medical Clinics are asked to complete this module prior to administering TSTs.

  • Review the TST Provider Online Education Package and the built-in Knowledge Check
  • Use the Critical Elements Checklist for TST Administration to self evaluate your TST knowledge and skill.
  • If you are new to Tuberculin Skin Testing connect with an experienced provider in your practice setting to arrange an orientation and supervised TST experience which will be based on the information in this education package. The Critical Elements Checklist for TST Administration should then be completed with a peer.
  • A regulated health care provider is responsible for directing his/her own learning experience with the goal of reaching and maintaining competence in TST administration practice. Keep a record of this self-assessment and peer evaluation for your files.

Tuberculin Skin Testing for Health Care Workers – Education for Medical Clinic Clerks Self Learning Package

This self-learning package ensures all Southern Health-Santé Sud clerks, who provide administrative support for Medical Clinics who offer tuberculin skin testing (TST) to Southern Health-Santé Sud employees, have working knowledge of the procedures involved in providing tuberculin skin testing to our staff. This self-learning package includes education regarding the TST, referral of staff to a medical clinic, ordering tuberculin, and setting up required appointments. Clerical and administrative staff from Gladstone, Notre Dame, St. Claude, and Steinbach Quick Care Medical Clinics are asked to complete this module prior to booking appointments for TSTs.

  • Review the Tuberculin Skin Testing for Health Care Workers – Education for Medical Clinic Clerks material and complete the built-in Knowledge Check

Attention: Home Care Case Coordinators, LTC Access Coordinators and LTC Navigators

Modernization and provincial standardization – see Clinical Practice Change – Elimination of Diagnostic Testing Requirements in LTC Application

All Clinical Communications can be found under Clinical Practice Changes for Health Providers.

Submitted by: Dana Human, Regional Lead – Community & Continuing Care & Debbie Harms, Clinical Change Lead, Home & Community Care

Healthier people. Healthier communities. Thriving together.