Prior to starting the course, ensure you have the following: a distraction-free space
ISMP Canada Patient Safety | Virtual
Prior to starting the course, ensure you have the following: a distraction-free space
Portion Control | Virtual
Welcome to the virtual education session of Portion Control! This course will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please thoroughly read through the instructions below to complete virtual education session of Portion Control.
Who Is It For?
Nutrition and Food Services staff, who are responsible to portion out meals, are to complete Portion Control (Virtual) Education Session.
What Is It?
Portion Control is an educational resource to support proper portion of meals based on Regional Portion Guidelines, and is now offered as a virtual option that can be done outside of the classroom!
Prior to starting the course, please ensure you have the following:
- A distraction-free space
- A stable internet connection
- 10 minutes to dedicate to completing the course
- 5 minutes to dedicate to completing the Knowledge Check Quiz
- A personal device (computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone)
- Speakers or headphones for audio sections
- Click on the Hand-In Package as you work through the course.
- Follow the instructions on the page to complete virtual education session of Portion Control. There will be a mandatory knowledge check quiz to complete at the end.
- Fill out and sign the Hand-In Package that is linked above. This package will need to be given to your manager/site educator/designate in order to have a record of completion of this education in your personnel file.
Click on the button below to complete virtual education session of Portion Control:
The course needs to be completed in one sitting. Your progress in the course is not saved, so if you close out of your browser while in the middle of the session, you will need to start from the beginning again. While taking breaks, be sure to leave your browser/course open.
Kitchen Safety | Virtual
Welcome to the virtual education session of Kitchen Safety! This course will take approximately 15 minutes to complete. Please thoroughly read through the instructions below to complete virtual education session of Kitchen Safety.
Who Is It For?
Nutrition and Food Services staff, who work in the kitchen; are involve with food preparation, cooking, cleaning and sanitization; are to complete Kitchen Safety (Virtual) Education Session.
What Is It?
Kitchen Safety is an educational resource to create awareness among NFS staff to help avoid or reduce common kitchen injuries at the workplace, and is now offered as a virtual option that can be done outside of the classroom!
Prior to starting the course, please ensure you have the following:
- A distraction-free space
- A stable internet connection
- 10 minutes to dedicate to completing the course
- 5 minutes to dedicate to completing the Knowledge Check Quiz
- A personal device (computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone)
- Speakers or headphones for audio sections
- Click on the Hand-In Package as you work through the course.
- Follow the instructions on the page to complete virtual education session of Kitchen Safety. There will be a mandatory knowledge check quiz to complete at the end.
- Fill out and sign the Hand-In Package that is linked above. This package will need to be given to your manager/site educator/designate in order to have a record of completion of this education in your personnel file.
Click on the button to complete Virtual Facility Orientation:
The course will need to be completed in one sitting. Your progress in the course is not saved, so if you close out of your browser while in the middle of the course, you will need to start from the beginning again. While taking breaks, be sure to leave your browser/course open.
Medically Supervised Withdraw Bed Training PDGH
In this presentation you will find information regarding medical withdrawal management with a specific focus on patients who will be utilizing a new medical withdrawal bed at the Portage District General Hospital, however, any nurse who works with patients who have addictions or substance use disorders will find this information useful. The following topics are reviewed in this presentation:
- Function of the RAAM Clinic
- Types of withdrawal including: stimulants, opioids, and alcohol
- Important nursing assessments and assessment tools such as the Clinical Opioid Withdraw Scale (COWS) and Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment for Alcohol (CIWA) which is not discussed in as much depth as the COWS
- Commonly used medications for each type of withdraw, such as suboxone and benzodiazepines
- and Important nursing considerations
Link to Training: Medically Supervised Withdraw Bed Training PDGH
Facility Orientation
Prior to starting the course, ensure you have the following: a distraction-free space
How to: Quality Improvement Plans
Access templates and guide to help you with your Quality Improvement Plan
Tracking Ethical Dilemmas
Compliments & Concerns Management
Related to NEW and REVISED policy ORG.1810.PL.003
Target Audience: mandatory for All Direct Supervisors/Managers and open to All Health Care Providers
Estimated Time of Completion: 25 min
Access the module

with Jane Curtis, CEO
As the days grow longer and the temperatures rise, it’s time for us to embrace the spirit of summer and take a well-deserved break. While the work we do in health care does not pause over summer, I encourage you to lean into your teams and work together to ensure that everyone has an opportunity to unplug, recharge and soak up the sun this summer!

Summertime is the perfect opportunity make some lasting memories with your family and friends. Embrace the outdoors and those activities that nourish your soul and clear your mind. Give your brains a chance to rest and prioritize your physical and mental health. Allowing yourself the opportunity to embrace self-care will not only improve your well-being, but it may just lead to a breakthrough idea or a more efficient approach to tackling challenges at home or work. At a minimum you may notice that you return to work with renewed energy.
So, as we embark on this summer season, I encourage each and every one of you to take full advantage of this time to unplug, recharge and prioritize your well-being. Whether you’re planning a grand adventure or simply enjoying a lazy day in the backyard, make the most of these precious moments and come back to work feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.
Thank you for your continued commitment and dedication to the work you do here at Southern Health Santé Sud. Wishing you all a wonderful summer filled with sunshine, relaxation and joy!